As I opened the door, I was greeted by the nasty smell of black mold in the air, a smell so thick my eyes instantly started to water and I wanted to put my handkerchief over my nose.
I flicked on the light, and the single fluorescent bulb dangling from a cord began to buzz loudly — and my suspicions of mold were confirmed visually. The once-white walls were black with mold, the paint peeling, and the plaster crumbling from moisture.
An old Soviet-era refrigerator stood guard at the front of the huge room, doors wide open, and the smell of Freon and decades of food gone bad mixed with the smell of mold.
At the back of the room, there was a stained old iron sink, equal to the ones I’ve seen at the worst gas stations, with flies swarming around its leaking water supply.
A door by the sink leads to the restroom. As I step in, the rotting floor gives slightly under my weight and I see the 1970s yellow floral linoleum is water-damaged and peeling.
Formerly beautiful green ceramic tiles barely hang on to the walls of the shower. Many have already fallen and the rest are sticking out, making the walls uneven.
The throne room, well, let’s just say it was beyond disgusting.
The place I’ve just entered is an art studio, with 20-foot ceilings, 20-foot-long walls, a once-trendy 1970s-era vinyl floor, and a row of giant, 10-foot-tall north-facing windows.
The Home of Great Artists
This studio and 26 others like it have been the temporary homes of some of the world’s great master artists, and they are where some of Russia’s most important museum masterpieces have been painted.
“Welcome to your home,” says my host. “We have given you our best.” This is to be my home for the next three nights, but he says, “If not good enough, we can get room in local hotel for you.”
I’m feeling instantly conflicted.
I know these people have made an effort to get me into one of these coveted studio spaces.
I know this is a special place where great paintings have been done and great artists have lived.
I know my host put out his own hard-earned money to have me there.
I don’t want to be ungrateful, and though I love the idea and romance of staying in one of these old studios, I also know doing so will test my limits. But because mama taught me to be kind, no matter what, I say…
“This is wonderful. I’m honored to stay here. Thank you.”
Busted in a Lie?
Have you ever had one of those moments when you knew you were lying through your teeth because you didn’t want to offend someone?
Though I wanted the experience of being there, I could not fathom the idea of breathing that moldy air for three nights.
Keep in mind that I had just been on a luxury trip (our Fine Art Connoisseur Fine Art Trip to Russia), spending 10 days in the finest hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Stark Contrast
The contrast between the luxury hotels and this studio was massive … the hotels had heated marble floors, thick robes, and beds to sink into that surrounded you like a giant cuddle … versus having to have your shoes on at every moment so your feet don’t touch the floor, waiting 20 minutes for the hot water in the shower, and sleeping on a sagging Soviet era-military cot that wasn’t long enough to stretch out in, with a thin lumpy mattress and hard springs. Plus long nights shivering because of the thin blanket, and needing to tuck my water glass into a ziplock bag so the bugs don’t land on it, and putting my clothes in a plastic bag to keep them from the mold.
This was a mindset moment.
This was a time when I had to rapidly shift my thinking … was I going to be a spoiled American and allow this to ruin my experience?
During that first miserable night of tossing and turning and shivering and waking to the feeling of mold in my lungs and the smell of cigarette smoke and turpentine from the neighboring studio, I convinced myself that I needed to move to a local hotel.
But daylight has a way of changing our perspective.
Once I got through the somewhat difficult task of getting the shower to work, then got dressed and ready in the freezing, unheated room, I could see the light streaming through the giant windows, filling the studio with amazing light.
This Is Truly an Amazing Place
As I walked outside, my first view was of a painter in the distance using a Russian easel, set up next to a quaint old wooden cabin and painting the distant poplar trees, in full fall colors, by the lake.
I quickly forgot my troubles and realized I was in plein air heaven.
“Oh, you speak English?” said a man who was painting as I walked out the door into the warm morning sunlight. “Sergi is my name. I was ship’s captain in America. Now I’m painter.”
My New Friend Sergi
Sergi was from the East of Russia, so far away it took him and his friends longer to get to this place than it took me from America. He quickly introduced me to his friends, all painters. Then he took me into their studio to show me their paintings from the week. Dozens hung on the walls, and all were high-quality.
Moments later I united with my host, a great master painter and instructor from the Surikov institute, part of the Russian Academy of Art, and a friend since 2004. I was there to paint at the Academic Dacha and in the surrounding area as his guest.
What If We Had This in the United States?
Imagine for a moment if such a place had existed in America, where all the great masters would gather and spend summers together. You would have Wyeth, Redfield, Rockwell, Payne, Bierstadt, Cole, and Church. Imagine if they’d had summer cabins nearby, and they lived there much of the year.
In Russia, the Academic Dacha was created by the Artists Union. Because they knew that plein air painting was critical to an artist’s development, they sent their students here to spend summers painting outdoors. These students would be around great masters who were also there to paint all summer. The surrounding cabins were owned by the great masters of Russia past … Repin, Levitan, Surikov, Shiskin … and they all painted on the property where I was staying. This tradition has taken place for over 200 years, in this same place, with every generation of artists.
Did I mention this is plein air heaven?
Among Painting Legends
It’s humbling to know I am standing and painting exactly where these amazing Russian legends had painted summer after summer.
The property, probably about 50 acres, is a postcard view at every turn. It’s poised on a beautiful lake, with a wonderful old bridge going across a small river (Repin did a famous painting there) and a little red house where Repin stayed that later became a small museum featuring all these artists’ work. The trees are changing color and are amazing.
A Home for Royalty
Next to the red house is an octagonal yellow house, built to give royalty a place to stay when traveling between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Inside, there is stained glass so intensely rich in color that the walls were flooded with vibrating hues unlike any I’d ever seen. Catherine the Great came here often. She loved spending time around the artists, I’m told. So did the czars.
Though I dreaded the cold, mold-filled nights (I’m still wheezing), this place was magical. My days were spent either painting or talking with the artists.
Creating Giant Paintings
Inside one studio was a great Russian master by the name of Igor Zeitza, who was working on a canvas that had to be 30 feet long and 20 feet high. “I don’t have room to do this in my studio in Moscow, so I come here to paint,” he said. His last giant painting had dozens of figures and took 10 years to complete.
The one he was working on was of a great moment in Russian military history, with about 10 life-size figures, and he estimated it would take another two years of work. He showed me the dozens of studies he’d painted over the past decade in preparation. All were masterpieces and reminded me of the studies in the Russian Museum that Repin had created for his monumental painting there.
Next door to me was the great Russian master Cederoff, now in his 90s and, like his neighbor, working on a huge painting because his home studio wasn’t large enough. With my translator I learned of his life, his history, and his passion for painting. “All of my paintings are of my life,” he said. “Even the big ones in the museums are memories of my childhood.”
I asked him why he paints, and his answer was unexpected. “I paint to give people encouragement and hope. I try to make everything I paint uplifting to the human spirit.”
He then pulled down two coffee-table books, flipped through them page by page, and told me the story of each painting. The one he was working on in the studio was in the book, but, according to him, “A painting is never really done.” The painting was of a peasant laying out stems from a crop on the grass. Another woman was staring at an orange full moon. “That’s my mother. We were working in the fields and the moon rose, and my mother said it was evidence that God was with us and supported our work.” He went on to tell me the painting was especially important because the crop is used to make linseed oil and the canvas we paint on.
Cederoff had 20 very large canvases stretched. “I have a show in May that I’ve not yet started. I have to make a painting for each of these. After that I’ll start working on my next big show to celebrate my 100th birthday.”
I could have stayed and listened to his stories all day, but I didn’t want to lose my light, so I did a painting of the yellow octagonal house from the bottom of the hill, looking up.
Meeting Up with Old Friends
Later we walked down the lane where I had walked in 2004, during my first visit, and where I met the great Russian legend Yuri Kugach, who was 91 or 92 at the time. Though he is gone now, his grandson Ivan, another amazing artist, had us in for dinner by candlelight in his grandfather’s house, which is now Ivan’s studio. We talked about art and sampled the local herb-infused vodka for hours. The next day we visited the dacha (cabin) of Ivan’s father, Michael Kugach, which I had visited in 2004. I had a chance to see his studio and the pieces he was working on.
Did I mention I was in plein air heaven?
A Village Like a Movie Set
Later, we drove an hour through the bumpiest and muddiest road I’ve probably ever been on, thinking we would get stuck at any moment. The car was sliding around, the tires were spinning, and rocks were thumping on the undercarriage. At the end of the road was a quaint small village of about 10 dachas, most of which were decorated with bright colors and beautiful wooden carvings. The area was used in a movie, though I don’t know the title.
The village cow wandered around curiously and was followed by her best friend, a sheep. As I was painting the intense afternoon sun on the face of the dacha in front of me, the cow came up to my paint box, took a sniff, looked up in apparent approval, and walked off with the sheep behind her. I’m thankful she wasn’t tempted to snack on my paints.
These are the moments plein air painting is made for. You can’t make this stuff up.
Opportunity Almost Missed
Had I not stayed at the studio at the Academic Dacha, I would have missed the most special moments of sitting with friends, sampling vodkas, eating fish caught earlier in the day and fresh apples off the tree down the road. We talked about paintings, painters, and the life of an artist … which I realized at that moment I was living, if only for a brief couple of days.
Tears were shed by my Russian artist friends and I when I departed for America from the airport in Moscow the following day. We had a wonderful memory in our three days together, did some great paintings, and wondered if we would ever see each other again.
Two weeks in Russia is not enough, and my next trip, if I can ever make it happen, will be nothing but painting … and who knows, maybe I’ll take some friends with me.
My moment of decision to accept my circumstances and not be a spoiled American made my trip a very rich experience. Instead of insisting on a change (and risking insulting my host) to have a better place to stay, I tolerated some conditions that were pretty harsh compared to my cushy life. But I just told myself it’s like camping.
The Spoiled American
I learned a lot about myself on that day and realized how fortunate I am, how spoiled I had become, and how the only things that mattered at that moment were the rich human experiences that can never be repeated. After all, how often do you get to paint with a couple of Russian masters, visit the cabins of some of the greatest living artists in Russia, and just hang and chat with one of the most important artists in the world? It was a great couple of days.
Turns out all 27 dachas didn’t have mold, just the one shared by me and Cederoff, next door. He told me he thought the ceiling might cave in, so he moved his paintings to the other side of the room. It appears there had been a leak in the roof in this old building, and it needs care and money, neither of which is readily available.
In spite of harsh media coverage about Russia, the experience of visiting is rich, not only because of the cultural experiences and the amazing paintings, but because of the warm, welcoming people. Though their nation, like ours, has its problems, those problems affect the people but don’t define them. These are special people, and my friends there share my passion for painting.
A Dream for an American Artists’ Retreat
I can’t help but think a wealthy donor will step up and help me create a special place like this in America, almost a commune of sorts, where we all live nearby and spend our summers painting together and working with students. Hey, it’s a dream. If Russia can have this, why can’t we?
I’m sure I’ll have many stories to share from this amazing trip over the coming weeks. But for now, enough about Russia.
Next Stop, Maine
Next Friday we start the Fall Color Week Publisher’s Invitational in Maine. About 60 painters and I gather to paint the amazing scenery for a week. We might still have a bed or two available, and the accommodations and food are really excellent if you’re feeling spontaneous and crave a week of painting fall color, crashing waves, and lobster boats.
Now that I’m back in my home, I look around, take a deep breath of crisp clean air, and value what I have in my life. They say difficult moments make great memories, and I’ll never forget these amazing days in brotherhood with artists from a different land.
I often don’t stop to appreciate what I have, but my perspective has recently changed. Have a great week.
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– Love #2…I too am obsessed with DD’s feet. Count the piggies, kiss the piggies, tickle the piggies, etc. She thinks it’s hilarious! Funny thing is, now she attacks MY feet when I’m sitting in the chair…I have to hold my legs up until she loses interest, lol.June 30, 2009 – 11:34 am
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heyysimonedoes anyone know where i can watch with whole episode for free?i love this episode. it’s my favorite!johnny messner is such a good actor.and mariska hargitay is amazing in it.
This is slightly unrelated but I thought it might amuse you anyway: our assistant minister is very prone to motion sickness. He’s okay for short trips around Wollongong but if it’s for longer than 10 minutes, it’s best to “give him a lift” by letting him drive himself there in your car. But it’s not just transportation that makes him nauseous; he once got seasick from filing stuff in the filing cabinet!
I'm glad he stayed around for the whole photo shoot!!! What a beautiful butterfly. I also love Sedum, I have several that turn a gorgeous lavendar. I usually divide them about every 2 years so they won't fall apart too much in the fall.Ann
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, finding out that Maddie is in fact quite attractive, I now think even less of Michael than I did before. But if Maddie is as slow as she appears, then neither Michael nor Brooke have anything to worry about (or you know, if it comes to light that she likes three-ways). However, at this juncture, I’m for thinking that she knows and is just playing dumb until just the right moment. Even if she’s not, I maintain that she can’t possibly have missed how they were acting toward each other mere moments ago.
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Dick Morris is on FUX Noise right now, explaining why his numbers had fecal matter all over them.Have another sip of that bitter, oh so bitter, SCHADENFREUDE!!!
hola victoria ,Puede pasar que los no esten muy bien o quizas la temperatura de los mismos .trata comenzar batiendo e ir espolvoreando el a medida que la crece .Es casi seguro que esos no estaban muy bien. Comentanos como te fue.
, however, is there a more corrupt, ineffectual, brutality-prone and just downright stupid PD than they have in Philly? Bombing and burning city blocks, beating the $hit out of law-abiders, they've been known for all that and a lot more for DECADES.I lived in the wilds of the crescent city and the NOLA PD gives them a darned good run for their take – er, money. But the Philly PD has it all over every other big city po-po posse hands down.
In difesa ci vuole un campione assoluto, così lo schieramento di stasera potrebbe essere riproposto…molte più volte.Se Hamsik giocasse alla grande ….Fino ad oggi è stato il nostro cuore azzurro, il gioiello prezioso che tutti ci invidiano anche quando, diciamolo pure, non va… Da stasera potrebbero esserci i presupposti perchè divenga davvero un Gerrard.
Joe,You generally wouldn’t re-glass a board just to change the graphics. It would add a lot of weight.For a board that is already finished, you would either posca pen or spray paint a new design over the existing one. Then seal it with a clear acrylic.For a new board, we either airbrush or laminate a design onto the foam and then it is either sand or glossed over with resin and cloth over the design. Protects the artwork and makes the colors pop.
Steel for the win!Thanks for stopping by, Mark. I’ve had bad experiences with one of the other three shops you mentioned, too. Won’t be going back.P.S. I’m still hunting for the fixie. Thanks again for your help with that.
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I see I missed a lot of girls behaving badly here. David showed a lot of willpower in the Philippines. He was surrounded by beautiful women. Come to think of it he is surrounded by beautiful women here too. Maybe that’s why he’s always smiling.
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Ma bucur sa te cunosc, Elena… nostalgii de Timisoara, zici? 🙂 pai hai intr-o vizita si verifica cu ochii tai daca mai exista Violeta :)In rest, merci de cuvinte. cu drag, codruta
My dog steals whole zucchini out of the neighbor’s garden. She’s a weird one too.I am excited to try that pad Thai recipe! I will probably end up using soy sauce too because the only place I can find coconut aminos around here is online.
Lo tengo grabado en la memoria, es una de las edificaciones más fascinantes que he visto en mi vida. Me enamoré de Barcelona, pero el Van der Rohe lo và de noche y de dÃa, y me produjo un sÃndrome de Stendhal de los mejores. Es que además de madrileña soy de San Blas, chaval, y eso es…otra cosa.Gracias por el premio, no podrÃa ser mejor.
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zegt:dat ziet er heerlijk uit zeg! ik kom hier echt veel te weinig, snel eens kijken naar je mooie huis en blog want ik spotte al mooie foto;s!
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Thanks Alex! Now this Grasshopper needs to learn from her teacher (ie: you) and start getting paid for some of her writing. I just received my first check for my very first post done elsewhere post! Yay! Need more of that! Now, where are we going to eat? Seriously.
Thanks!I think about that poll and probably do that in two parts. First select the nation and then the team. Because if I but two teams in 6 countries on poll there will be 12 teams and thats too much variations. So if I put first the six nations thats not bad and then about 3 or 4 teams in that selected country.
Most wind power setups do not work very well at all (see Lonewolf’s experience over at Survival Acres), even in a windy desert region, hence part of the disparity in cost between those and PV arrays.
What a fantastic collection of photos! My favorite it the very first one – the colors are just beautiful!Thanks for nominating me – I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile, so now I really have to get to it! 😉
Hi Kevin. Great piece. I enjoyed reading it. I wish I lived near a city that hosted a big auto show. BTW… That’s my daughter’s Purple Pacer! It’s called the ‘Mopacer’.Thanks.
Hola Leire:Ante todo, gracias por visitar nuestro blog.Aquàte dejo la respuesta de nuestros profesionales:“El Regimen de Trabajadores Autónomos siempre se cotiza a jornada completa por la base de cotización elegida por el trabajador autonomo al darse de alta en S.Social.”Si tienes alguna duda más, pásate por nuestras oficinas, te atenderemos encantados/as.Saludos,
Ico, olha como são as coisas..Lembro que no ano passado o Heidfeld foi o piloto que mais vezes criticou o Petrov, tanto por este ser pagante como por sua "deficiencia" técnica…E agora são companheiros de equipe…Quero ver o que ele vai falar do russo agora…heheAbraço! Ótimas análises..
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disse:ôpa, começaram a rolar as pelotas !!!Isso é bom… Coincidência… Recebi ontem minha camisa do SBC para aumentar a coleção. Boas Sorte ao Tigrão !!!Abçs,Anderson
Perhaps the Math was easy…or did learning a skill take place this week (I hope for the latter)? There is still some work to do as many students still solved the expressions without using the order of operations. Have a marvelous weekend!
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Thank you ALL for your sacrifice, thank your hero personally for me. I am so happy you are all together and safe.Enjoy your time together, when you are ready to post we are ready to read!
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Paolo, speriamo che qualche "lunatico" non legga il titolo di questo post, altrimenti per Torino la vedo brutta! :DMa già , li abbiamo sterminati tutti per trovare l'acqua… e pensare che doveva essere un bombardamento in zona disabitata! 🙂
Hey Cris, LOVE this, nothing wrong with dots, it's what I've done, in fact I nearly did white again over the black, good job I didn't! Love the topcoat on it for subtle sparkle.
These are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. My daughter is having a Harry Potter party in a couple of weeks and I made a batch of these to sample. My entire family loves them. Awesome recipe. Thanks again!
passions which is evidenced by the variety of creative recipes she features on her site such as Thai-style catfish salad, Nagoya-style fried chicken and Oriental pork loin tortilla
TinaI’m in the query process – and trying to stay positive. I’d love to know what I can do to strengthen my query. I read the submission info and blogs of each agent, but I’m not sure I’m pulling it off. Would love some help! And I’ll be pulling for all of the writers I’ve met. They are amazing.
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El MiM, además es más que un lugar para ir en familia,con amigos o recrearse. Sirve sin lugar a dudas para aprender jugando, especialmente las leyes de fÃsica.Me encanta, es muy entretenido
Tack för det här inlägget, jag är sÃ¥ intresserad av att se hur det sÃ¥g ut innan turismen, det är riktigt spännande! Och tack för länken med alla foton frÃ¥n ön 🙂
Es braucht manchmal wirklich viel Platz und Ãœbersicht, um alle Regeln einzuhalten. Dabei beginnt es so gemächlich…@ Spiele Klassiker: Bei Fluxx kann man aus wenig, viel machen. Und das Spiel ist immer anders.
in a Vince voice because he’s the best at making matches seem super important. Sting said it like it was no big deal. Even Bischoff is pretty good and announcing big matches. They’re getting better tho. Idk what happened because in 2007 I preferred TNA over WWE. They kinda lost their way but they’re on the way back.
Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to many thanks for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you article!! Thumbs up! I just hope to have understood this the way it was meant.
Oh, I want to keep a sense of child-like wonder! There is so much in this world to enjoy … and God made such a wonderful marvelous world.It's great to think that you've inspired a writer! I'm sure it makes all your lesson-planning worth it …
äh… när det bara är män här som diskuterar sÃ¥ visar ni ju bara att ni är en del av förtrycket och konspirationen. Hur var det nu igen sÃ¥g jag inte er offra spädbarn i en källare i Hägersten häromsisten 😉
This is very important because of the high anti-oxidant rate the green coffee extract has. Also, after two straight weeks of taking it faithfully (so you have to do this), you may urinate more during the night. For me, it’s about 2-3 times. That is one bit irritating when you are tired. Additionally, you will convey more pooping, but nothing out of control such as the runs or something.
If they say "no banners" then you need to be prepared. Have tee shirts or jackets printed ahead of time with your messages.We have to do that in the US sometimes, on account of the fact that sometimes the police don't allow us to carry signs. That is an infringement on our freedoms of speech and assembly, but we have to choose our battles.
I would love to have heard the rest of what Greg started to say just before the video cut off. I wonder if it was a rant or even an attack on Scotty “Mr Balance” Harrison.
A heartfelt thank-you to Mitt and Ann Romney and your beautiful family. We are all better for having seen your example this past year. You did not lose, America lost.
is it possible, that the streams of Danc-Tunes, Sensation and Q-Dance are a bit broken?so i mean, the connection takes so many time and than stands “Time-OUT” why?
Hola! en cuanto a las chicas del trueke, no tengo ni idea. Pero serÃa genial conocer más. Si en algún momento recerdas su blog hazmelo saber!Si quieres alguna recomendación sobre donosti no dudes en preguntar. Un beso!
Me dijeron que lo encontraria en un foro, pero ya no existe ese foro y quiero leerlo en español,¿Sabeis donde lo puedo encontar midnight secretary en español o latino pero descargandomelo?Gracias
Long time no see Jim, Charles Conroy ( horse) ( Hogan) 31st V.S 1954 we were u/t Tamaki and we did the Far East on Rotoiti 1958/59. I am in touch with Myles Dalyrymple he is in Alexandra now.Charles Conroy
Great idea! If only there were more places to find these kinds of foods. By the time I finish work, the market is closed here in Birmingham. There are a few Farmers markets but not regular enough to keep our fridge stocked.Good luck!
Yep, that’s what I was trying to say. However, I expect it’s not an HMO issue in most cases because the tenant will have separate supply from any central circuits. Where it may become a bigger issue for the landlord is with the deposit.
[..YouTube..] aaaaah guys pliz don’t say jack is going to die at the end. thats not nice. by the way who is jack talking to when he says”the russians took something from me and i need to make them to pay.
Congrats eleanore- 15th March. I'm certain one day a young woman will read your blog and think of you as the new HGB. (Course she won't know that's what she's thinking.)As you know I'm conflicted about being single BUT your blog has, of course, helped me recognise that it's a good state of being.
After the launch of the google i was not using you-tube at all but after watching that you-tube is growing faster then i made my account and now it is changes very much even there are now hd video to be watched on-line.
De er sÃ¥ fine de vuggene. Er sikkert godt Ã¥ sove i og praktisk for dere foreldre.GRATULERER sÃ¥ mye med flott og velfortjent pris pÃ¥ Glansdagen! Superkoselig at det ble deg som vant. 🙂 Vi skulle gjerne ha sett deg der for dagen var sÃ¥ vellykket. Neste Ã¥r derimot… da blir du vel med?!Tenker du og dine koser dere med minstehjertet om dagen. ♥Varm klem,AW
Beautifully written. Just yesterday, I was working through an exercise to identify my own voice in my art/photography. I realized that so many of the pieces I liked, and then pulled to analyze, evoked simplicity. So many of them had what I call “empty space” and I realized I’m shifting in my approach and my style. Well done, and gorgeous shots!
bugs: Now they’re all either dead or no longer associating with my branch of the family.Are you older or younger than 40? Now I would pick the former, but based on that answer…
– Voici que s’annonce une femme dévorante (c’est mon premier) ;– HARpie– Vu sous cet angle, que de dessins possibles (pense mon deuxième) ;– VIgie, euh non, mât (du bateau de Turner dans la tempête)– Des anges, dit-on, traversent mon troisième ;– Temps.– Mon tout n’est que jouet des vents.– HarmattanAnonyme
Elles me rappellent, à moi, celles d’Oriane de Guermantes, ces pompes (guère funèbres, au demeurant), ce soir que Swann, sur le seuil de sa porte (à elle), lui faisait part de sa mort prochaine (à lui)…
Hello People! Just wanted to tell you that I got tickets to the Eddie Vedder concert on Jul 01st. In this place you can find tickets for other dates too. Its astonishing his performance on stage, this is my second time and Im still so excited about listening him live! On this page you can see the section where youre buying the ticket, so its very recommended!
This is very true.I lost my weight just made changes in food ,taking all vegetarian and of low carb helped me a lot and I suggest everyone
Nimeni nu credea ca in Romania este bine. La noi este mai bine decat in toate aceste tari bogate si extremiste.Femeia care a scris cartea a suferit destul de mult si nu inteleg ce naiba fac toate organizatile de protectia omului. etc ?Eu stiu engleza dar s-ar putea altii sa nu stie. Dublarile se fac si se vor face doar pentru desene animate.De ce? Nu din cauza ca unii nu vor sau ca se pierde nu stiu ce farmec.Totul are logica economica iar oamenii nu se vor duce la cinema la filme dublate.
Posted on Nie 72 godziny, tylko do 72 godzin, czyli do tyle ile zwykle trwa autoryzowanie transakcji. Åšmiem zgadywać, że 99,99% osób które kupiÄ… tak grÄ™ nawet nie bÄ™dzie wiedziaÅ‚o, że miaÅ‚o Starter Packa.Poza tym dokÅ‚adnie tak samo dziaÅ‚a WoW i jakoÅ› nikt nigdy nie rwaÅ‚ sobie z tego powodu wÅ‚osów z gÅ‚owy. Równie dobrze Cubi mógÅ‚byÅ› opublikować nastÄ™pny post – Blizzard pozwala grać w Diablo 3 zanim zapÅ‚acisz za grÄ™.
Guys, here’s the thing. I’m brazilian and I’ll be there in Buenos Aires for teh first show (04/04). I bought 2 tickets in the premium area with numbered seats. The friend that would go with me doesn’t go anymore. So, I’m looking for a nice guy near my age (33) that loves Roxette as I do, to go with me at the concert. People interested write here in the comments and I’ll return. Hugs all! Roxette rules!!!
Slipper du noensinn opp for gode og kreative idèer??? Nei det tror jeg ikke – du er bare super min venn!Kan du heale meg til Ã¥ bli sååååå flink :))))GOD JUL I HEIMEN!Klem fra meg til deg
RoMama,I’m sorry I missed the Gold Party. I think of you and Rockstar Ronan xoI love your spiciness!Hope you and Poppy are doing well. Hope your puking party slows down soon.Enjoy NYC for you & me I’m so excited for your trip! Big things RoMama!!!Always rolove!!!XO
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16acb35faI saw a lot of website but I believe this one has got something extra in it. “Perhaps in time the so-called Dark Ages will be thought of as including our own.” by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. 154
I post to my blog but I post to Amazon and Goodreads as well as a matter of course, other sites on request. I can’t see how to change it. Would you mind updating for me?Thanks!Pav
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Lovely! I'd never thought of linking books and roses before. Yes, it would be great if WBD here could be expanded into something more commercial. With the rise of ebooks, booksellers need to be imaginative about the way they operate.
Boa noite, os filmes em 2009 foram bons mas poderiam ser melhores. Espero que em 2010 sejam exibidos mais filmes de: ação, faroeste, Ãndios, espionagem e guerra.
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Howdy are using WordPress for your site platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and set up my own. Do you need any coding knowledge to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated!
RE: – What I’m trying to point out is how having insurance pay something affects the purchase decision of the patient. Someone who has a $20 copay would probably schedule the appointment and let the insurance company pay maybe $60.00 (whatever the scheduled price is of such a visit). Someone with a high deductible like me will make other decisions, such as what I’m doing which is scheduling my physical a month earlier than what I would otherwise do.Because I’m making decisions based on the cost of something, I’m not over-utilizing medical services in the way that people with insurance do. – Rate this comment: 0 0
My spouse and I stumbled over here different web address and thought I should check things out. I like what I see so now i’m following you. Look forward to looking into your web page for a second time.VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait…
“…or the U.S. did this, please go to Alex Jones’ blog and leave us alone. That’s the government disinformation site.”The first time I heard Alex Jones, I thought that he must be one of “those” (government disinformation agents). He reminded me of Rush. He sounded plausible at first, but his logic was very unsound.This is one very important thing I learned from MCR!
Note #1 – This post is a follow-up to one I shared last week. If you haven’t read The #1 Key to an Amazing Marriage & Life, please take a minute to check it out. I think you’ll really get a lot from
Hi there this is somewhat of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding know-how so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be enormously appreciated!
, :, Q4 $0,30$ ad azione contro le previsioni di 0,04$ degli analistiEC145 and EC20 farmaci orphani in europaUpdated Overall Survival Data Improved Compared to Interim Analysisottime notizie per la company era in watch list……mi pare che la notizia più importante sia la possibile richiesta di approvazione pazienti con cancro ovarico su FR++ per EC145 ed il diagnostico EC20…
I don't know about magic, but as a musician/composer, an artist, and an author, I have found that, for me, anyway, writing a great novel is the most rewarding creative endeavor of them all.
les cheveux courts te vont super bien !! tu es SUBLIME !j’aime beaucoup ce makeup simple chic et efficace.J’aime beaucoup ta façon d’appréhender le maquillage, sublimer et ne pas transformer, c’est tellement plus élégant !Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année à toi !
walaalayaal aad baa u mahadsantihiin sida wanaagsan aad ugu soo gudbineesaan mr saciid iyo jimcaale allah ha inooga soo qaado wax aan ku faraxano maadama umada somaliyeed si ay u helaan ilmaha iyo hooyooyinka kala maqan iyo aabaYaasha kala maqan iyo xaassak akala maqna inshalah guul ee ku dhamnaeesaaU codee: 0 0
Dear “Maz” — you are right — it IS somewhat shocking that the scribbles in my childhood diary would lead to decent essay writing…….I think just about every page of my 1977 diary had one sentence, usually what I had eaten for lunch!!
Igen, szÃntelen aromát fogok legközelebb használni. Sajnos nincs még új sütÅ‘m, de már kiválasztottam,Elektrolux lesz, és ha megjön, megmutatom persze. Szerintem szép,sok funkciós.Úgy sütöttem meg a muffint, hogy mikor megsült a teteje, kiborÃtottam mind egy tepsibe, és átsütöttem az alját, mert csak a felsÅ‘ sütés működik 🙂
ohlala 11 ans! C’est la classe…à l’heure où les couples se séparent pour des futilités, j’applaudis! Longue vie encore à votre couple… en esperant que tu as pu sortir… et sans les raquettes ou les moonboots! Biz d’une fan de converse!
(dito) : mes compliments à celui qui est capable de marquer contre son camp alors qu’il s’appréêtait à transformer un essai ! Quelle était la vitesse du vent de face, ce jour-là ?Cela dit, votre dernier exemple illustre à merveille (c’était sans doute le but) l’absence de suite dans les idées qu’ont certains journalistes lorsqu’ils emploient ces formules imagées dont ils n’arrivent pas toujours à se dépêtrer par la suite.
Steven – Thanks for your comment! My experience is that trade shows in the gift/design/craft industry tend to be different than a lot of other industries, because the focus is on writing orders, not just making connections.True, they can be a marketing channel. But they can also be a vehicle for sales that carry the business through the next several months.
Hi Noelle,That must have been quite an experience (running with Kenyans). See you on the road!Rayp.s. I saw your photo in a daily newspaper where you were mistaken for the VJ look-alike
Dein Freund ist echt tallentiert oO Krass das sieht super schön aus! Würd ich mir auch direkt hier hinstellen, und ich trink noch nicht mal gerne Wein 😉
Olá meninas estou prestes a fazer minha cirurgia, abdominoplastia e lipoescultura, alguem já fez ou conhece alguem que tenha feito com Dr. Guilherme Bersou, ele atende na master health e no Jardir Europa em SP, abraços a todas
Mi piace la tua poesia, Linda! Io vado a condividerlo con il mio ragazzo poco più tardi. Ha sempre paura degli insetti, ad eccezione di quelle nei suoi libri nido Continuate a scrivere poesie! Hai un appassionato fan nelson RN ha recentemente pubblicato..
my life doesn’t suck but some people who are in foreclosure could have used a better math teacher.”I’ve read some really funny stuff on this board, but this was the first that actually had me laughing out loud!! Nice!
Waow Hvor er de smukke. For helt lyst til at spørge om du vil bytte… som jeg kan huske jeg gjorde i 4-5 klasse. Især skytsenglen der stÃ¥r bag barnesengen, ville jeg gerne eje.
Keeping Jesus out of the background was not my intent with this, but I just finished a 30 day reading plan of the Gospels. Over the past 30 days I’ve fallen more in love with person of Jesus than I’ve ever recognized before. He’s no longer just God who became flesh for a while to me (which is no small thing by any means), he is now the One God who became fully human out of nothing but love for his creation, & it all started on one night that started out like any other.
reduction. Visit his site at for all of the latest and greatest approaches for how to get rid of man breasts Tagged: exercises to get rid of man boobs, get rid of gynecomastia naturally without surgery, how
Doon’t they have a show that suppose to air on bet? Lmfao VIACOM OWNS BET! And they have billions of dollars . Memphitz has no case . CASE DISMISSED! lmfao
I cannot understand what witness 8 is saying – however – the reference to Martin walking beside the houses/apartments was made several times. Even Uhrig (the second attorney) commented (when a reported remarked that Martin was trying to get out of the rain) that Martin would not be keeping close to the buildings to stay dry because the overhangs were too narrow to do any good.
Is this the early sign of male pattern baldness?I am 26 years old and my hair is begging to thin around the edges of my hairline. It also looks like they are slowly receding, especially on the right side. So far it is not noticeable to people around me.Is this a sign of baldness or not? My biological father was bald, but he got bald when he was 20. Once I passed 20, I was happy knowing I will never get bald. Am I getting bald? If yes, how many years on average will it take for my baldness to become noticeable and me becoming fully bald?Being bald is what I never wanted. This really sucks. As of now no one notices it.
>>>all turning to krap.<<<The last damn thing anyone wants to see you do is turn anything into crap.That would require a damn clean up—–and everyone knows that you're steadfast in your refusal to buy some damn Charmin.
Miekin luin vinon pinon Uppiksia 🙂 tuo Sallan loru oli lapsena seinälläni kehystettynä, olikohan tämä jotain salakavalaa kasvatusyritystä vanhemmilta…Mulle rakkain on Uppo-Nalle ja Erakko, kun se on ensimmäinen oma Uppis-kirjani.
Opp i flammer kommer jeg aldri til Ã¥ lese, for det er nok en sjanger jeg ikke liker sÃ¥ godt, men Lucifers evangelium kan jeg kanskje komme til Ã¥ lese en gang 🙂
What a simple and delicious looking salad! Can't wait until my spinach gets big enough to start picking because you're right – nothing better than greens picked from your own garden! Great combination of flavors!
You rock! Nice work on the closet (and keeping DH away from the paint!). The only DIY projects I’m allowed to do involve demolition — no matter what I intended to do stuff is demlished when I’m through :)It was fun tweeting with you today!
Buena peli esa. Creo que a los 9 meses rodaron la secuela. Lo llamaron Hugo. Es lo q tienen las producciones de bajo presupuesto, que no hay suficiente para hacer un buen montaje.
I hope you read Vivian’s first because anything that might have been in your eyes could be mistaken as laughing too hard at William’s. Wow, how sweet. And how well-written for 7yo’s. They certainly take after you with their humour and writing abilities.My fave lines: “more than a small library book loves the big library” and “until shark teeth stop growing and apes can talk”. So good!
Úуÿûю þчõрõôь ýð Vþlkswagen Polo Sedan úþüÿûõúтðцøѠTrendline øûø Comfortline, ÷ð рð÷уüýþõ ÿрõôûþöõýøõ.ãäàøûø çÕÛïÑØÃÂáÚтõû. 8-917-805-35-72.
Nous la St Valentin c'est pas tout les ans !!! On apprécie d'autant plus quand on le fait …En tout cas cet amour de gâteau n'est pas pour me déplaire. Bises Bonne fin d'après midi.
Hey, Girlfriend! I'm just catching up after my long vacation. First of all, Jay is freakin' adorable!! Looks like your camping trip was awesome. Jay must be making you very happy. You can see the joy oozing from you in every picture. :)I guess I never sent you my email for your other blog. Sorry. [email protected]
Vielen Dank für den Check-out my blog, und mein kleiner, edler Niles. Ich komme wieder zu stoppen und bewundere Ihre Babys, zu! : )
I’m dragonfly777 at Twitter. I follow you and just retweeted one of your tweets. I’l retweet more as I see them. The fragrance I’m wearing right now is Perfect Veil by Sarah Horowitz. Thanks!
I cant touch the inside of a sleeping bag material. theirs also a kidn of blanket that i cant touch eather. I was diagnosed with ASD, wehn i was 9, but had no ideah, that might be somthing other people deal with. I dont mind fleace, but the material inside a sleeping bag, or sometimes the meterial that heating blankets are made out of, or the blanket between the sheet, and comfertet. Its like nails on a chalkboard, if i touch it wiht my fingers, or toes.
Anne-GretheDet høres ut som en veldig god plan. Eneste jeg tenker er: fÃ¥ det til Ã¥ skje! Ikke bare planlegg – gjør.;) Synes stedene du nevner høres kjempebra ut. Reis, du kommer ikke til Ã¥ angre!:)
Mä oon miettinyt samaa. Loppujen lopuksi auton käytön todellisen tarpeen pystyy kuitenkin rajaamaan niin vähään, että pääsee halvemmalla, vaikka matkustaisi taksilla kaikki nämä matkat. Auto maksaa, bensat maksaa, vakuutukset maksaa. Sillä saa jo aika monta kilometriä istua mittariauton kyydissä..Vaikka onhan tuo vuokraaminenkin kyllä kätevää! Ihmisten pitäisi oppia se muissakin asioissa: ei aina tarvitse hankkia omaa, vaan voi hyvin kartoittaa, josko saisi vuokrattua tai vaikka lainattua kaverilta, sanon ma.
Still no joy in Poltzville….no tour date set for Cave Creek yet, sigh…..….so many wonderful venues in Phoenix, so little time…C4, Rhythm Room, good times.(Sung to the tune of “Please Come To Boston”)Please come to Phoenix in the SpringtimeBaseball’s here and there’s lot’s of friends waiting for you.You can have a dog and beer at Spring Training,The Camp’s still here at C4 and Janey’s opened, too.Please come to Phoenix, don’t say no,There’s still music to be played…
I was student teaching last spring and it really all came together for me as well. I've fallen in love with every grade I've taught and this past fall I landed my first teaching job in a middle school. I wanted to try it and it's been my favorite yet. Good luck with your classes and enjoy those kiddos. It will break your heart when it's time to leave.
Très joli. Le plus dur reste pour moi de trouver certains de ces produits en province.. Mais la ca me donne envie de redoubler mes efforts pour les trouver 🙂
/ Not like he really needs the publicity, but Breaking Dawn is going to be HUGE… I don’t know why anyone would pass up designing Bella’s famous wedding dress….
Bonjour Isabelle !Tu racontes ce que je suis en train de vivre à Mexico, un mois au compteur, avec l’avantage d’avoir déjà vécu cela aux États-Unis, mais recommencer est une nouvelle épreuve, longue, et il faut de la patience pour retrouver un équilibre que l’on avait mis du temps à obtenir…Merci pour ce joli blog, c’est agréable de lire des expériences et des tranches de vie qui ressemblent à ce que l’on vit.
oh i haven't been on the outnet for a while, must check it out!i wholeheartedly agree – i'd find much more pleasure in spending money on great quality food than any shoes or clothes. to be able to afford it all would be great though!
اگر دین شخصی هست و … برید تو خونه هاتون هر کاری می خواهید بکنیدوگرنه امثال ما تا آخرش وایسادیم و نخواهیم گذاشت اینجوری کشورمون جولان گاه شیاطین شود.
she treasured and would NEVER do anything to forfeit. So, that was my experience. Loved it, can’t wait to go back.I’d suggest people go, but stay on one of those all-inclusive resorts…believe it or not, they aren’t super “Americanized”. They are comfortable, but the Jamaican culture breathes through it still, untainted by the desparation that comes with poverty. If someone visited Detroit and left saying they would never go back to America, that’s a bit unfair. And take a snorkeling trip! Unreal.
Omg goodness, I’m definitely going to try this out. I’m not a makeup wearer as a rule, but in the summer I do get tired of the “are you feeling ok?” comments I get from being pale. This is a triple bonus in my opinion, it’s green through recycling, it’s natural AND you get to smell like CHOCOLATE all day!!! Best make-up ever!CheryltheOCM recently posted..
“KsiÄ…dz reprenentuje raczej Chrystusa a nie biskupów czy kuriÄ™.”Chrystusa? Chrystus jakieÅ› peÅ‚nomocnictwa wystawiÅ‚?I drugie pytanie: Czy ksiÄ™dzem jest siÄ™ jedynie w sutannie i koloratce? Czy osoba duchowna bÄ™dÄ…ca w kÄ…pielówkach czasowo przestaje byÅ‚ ksiÄ™dzem?PS. Ponawiam zastrzeżenie, że w mojej ocenie ksiÄ…dz wystÄ™pujÄ…cy w telewizji (bez wzglÄ™du na charakter tej obecnoÅ›ci) powinien być w koloratce.
SV: Åh jag är supernöjd med mina fynd!=)Tack för ditt snabba fina svar! Alltid roligt med lite blomtips=) Skönt att få ha en morgonrocksdag, låter underbart, och så fin den är din morgonrock! Kram
I have those same shoes (Tsubo Marni) but in black. They're a great shoe, and I love that they magically make my large feet look daintier.That's a really cute dress. The neckline and bodice are particularly pretty.
Sarah – I love this template! I’ve been wanting to show the scale of different size images to clients & this is perfect. Thank you for sharing. I have liked you & shared the link as well.
I’ve never purchased any home goods from Antro…at least not yet! I am very much coveting your best pin! I am usually too distracted by their dresses. My best anthro purchase is a 50s style vintage looking skort dress which I got on sale
Wow, you have a Bat Cave??? I’ll be the Girl Wonder. I’m on my way over- have Alfred chill a little Muscato for me, and I prefer milk chocolate (Yeah, I know the dark is better for you. I KNOW!)
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i dont think it is under rated there , one can still overclock it better than other cards and overall features of the card and its performance makes it a great deal
infatti ,Fabrizio ,ho voluto segnalarlo ,perchè ne volevo sapere di più ..sul forum di uomini3000 erano abbastanza vaghi … comunque aspettiamo ,non si sa mai che si riveli una lieta sorpresa ,vedremo …
Was hast du gemacht?Das einzigste was mir auffällt ist das die Lenkung etwas langsam geht das liegt aber daran das mehr Gewicht auf den Vorderrädern lastet und deshalb die Servo größer Untersetzt ist.Antworten
Nareszcie wiosna, a zniÄ… nowe nadzieje na przeżycie wspaniaÅ‚ej miÅ‚oÅ›ci i przyciÄ…gniÄ™cie fajnego mężczyzny. Przygotowania zaczęłam od siebie. Otóż zaczęłam chodzić na aerobik, zakupiÅ‚am w aptece witaminy na wzmocnienie organizmu po zimie, pijÄ™ napar z pokrzywy na oczyszczenie organizmu z toksyn, zapisaÅ‚am siÄ™ do Ciebie Agnieszko na kwietniowy warsztat “PrzyciÄ…gnij miÅ‚ość”, uporzÄ…dkowaÅ‚am moje relacje ze znajomymi mężczyznami-kolegami, idÄ™ dziÅ› do fryzjera i … czujÄ™ spokój, energiÄ™ i entuzjazm zwiÄ…zany z moim nowym nastawieniem do życia :))
O DOAMNEEEEEEE!!! FIOR FIOR FIOR!!:O pai… eu am citit ambele si mi-au placut, dar fior am citit dupa nu plange sub clar de luna. Fior e fabuloasa. E asa trista, pe cand Shelby mi se pare chiar superficiala (o vai, tabara in desert). Ceea ce au Grace si Sam este mult mai profund.Candva ii scrisesem autoarei de la Nu plange sub clar de luna (nu stiu daca chiar era ea :D) dar mi-a raspuns si am fost happy.SI candva vreau sa imi comand forever (vol 3. fior)Ador FIOR!Gata cred ca te-am innebunit destul <3.
, details make or break the argument.. And that couldn’t be much more accurate at this point. Having said that, allow me inform you exactly what did do the job. Your authoring can be very engaging and this is possibly why I am taking the effort to opine. I do not really make it a regular habit of doing that. Secondly, although I can notice the jumps in reason you come up with, I am not certain of exactly how you seem to unite your points which make the final result. For the moment I will subscribe to your position however hope in the foreseeable future you link the dots much better.
Thanks for the helpful post. It is also my belief that mesothelioma has an really long latency period, which means that symptoms of the disease may not emerge right up until 30 to 50 years after the primary exposure to asbestos fiber. Pleural mesothelioma, that is certainly the most common kind and is affecting the area throughout the lungs, will cause shortness of breath, chest muscles pains, as well as a persistent cough, which may result in coughing up body.
قال:أخي Ø£ØÂمد قالت سوني بعد طرؠالهات٠أنه يوجد مشكلة نÙÂس المشكلة التي تتØÂدث عنها و أشارت لمالكين الهات٠أن يذهبوا إلى أقرب مركز دعم لسوني وهم سيتولون إصلاؠالمشكلة بدون مقابل مادي.
I was amazed, as you shared information about Mesquita, how many religious traditions have inhabited this place. It’s interesting for me to think that God has been present through it all no matter what words, names, or faith tradition was being practiced within its walls.
yayyy anak ayam pun dpt duit raya….xth nk beli pe nati…biasanya mkn nasik org yg membazir & tak abes mase berbuka….raya nih nk beli jagung la kalau dpt duit raya…..kahkahkah
Przeczytałam z wielkim zainteresowaniem, jak zawsze Twoje posty zresztą:) Bardzo chętnie spróbuję kiedyś takiej nalewki (wydaje mi się nawet, że piłam już chyba jakąś węgierską jej odmianę, i była świetna), choć pewnie bęe musiała się przełamać, zanim zdobędę się na stworzenie czegoś, co łączy alkohol i szyszki;)
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the old saw about absolute power?Of course, this is all hypothetical. A police state could only arise in the aftermath of successfully melting down every gun in the land. I’m certain a second American Civil War would break out long before that ever happened. Hmm. The south may rise again after all.
Its kooool…but i have 2 questions.please help me..1-will i be charged once or again and again?2-if i buy tjis card can i upload larger videos or its good for something else? pleaseThanks
I've only heard of 1 and 3! I wish they had more information for Half Lives lol. I had no idea Gayle Forman was writing another book! And Dance of the Red Death has THE MOST GORGEOUS cover. Pantomime looks REALLY interesting!
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zeit vergehtmorgen gehtnie gestritten immer missenSIE denkt der damm-chip ist gebrochendu kommst ja angekrochenlösung ist mdma sei ma dicht für DICHhab dich gebrochen du bist ein rochenlach dir immer ins gesichtleb für die weltaber sie brennt ich rennwerd gehen am nächsten morgenverpass nichdein lachenerkenn oh mutter erde, warum? wERDE..ich ICH? i need you now all you need is speed not weed keine drogen fühl dich ich bini can stay aliveALL4You
De, der accepterede en 60K pounds lÃ¥n i en alder af 18-19 virkelig ikke fortjener at gÃ¥ til universitetet. Hvad tænker de! Og pÃ¥ toppen af ​​dette fÃ¥r de smÃ¥ geni lige ind i et realkreditlÃ¥n til at hobe sig op mere gæld. Det ser ud til at den britiske regering ikke er den eneste, der bruger penge hensynsløst, hva ‘? Hvorfor gÃ¥r du ikke kan lide amerikanere og begynde at spare penge fra det øjeblik, deres barn er født, hvis sende dem til en god Uni er, hvad de ønsker for deres fremtid og stop klynker!
I’m impressed, I ought to articulate. In reality not time and again achieve I meet a weblog that’s each educative and entertaining, and allow me notify you, you have got attain the nail on the head. Your thought is excellent; the difficulty is something that not an adequate amount of persons are speaking cleverly concerning. I am vastly jovial that I stumbled throughout this in my obtain in support of something regarding this.
Smuk som altid, er især vild med pelsvesten!Din dag lyder fuldstændig som da jeg selv var på højskole, savner godt nok den tid.
– they took 9 months to stretch.. i’m assuming they’ll take just as long to look like they once did.8) Bio oil! Not only did it prevent stretch marks during my pregnancy (or I think it did?) but they’ve helped lesson the appearance of marks I got during puberty many years ago. I don’t think they ever go away completely, but they fade quite a lot.9) I definitely think you need to make your own decision on vaccines. 10) I don’t have a dog so no idea
AACSB is not vital. Many good universities have one of the other business accreditation. The scary part is the “online universities”. Are you talking University of Phoenix and the like? Employers will definitely look down on these degrees. Many employers will throw your resume away for listing them. If you need an online degree, look to the state universities. Your diploma will not shout “online” or “for-profit”.
Seated calves are great after leg workout, but all depends how intense your leg workout is. If you have the energy left for calves after legs, go ahead. If you do calves after quads you might cheat yourself – a lot of times I just can’t handle calves after quads. In those cases, I’ll just wait to do calves on a back day so I can handle more weight on the calves. It all depends how you feel. On off season, I won’t even train calves case I get calves while doing squats and hack squats.
No entiendo, Sargento Margaret, cómo utilizas el verbo “plagar” para referirte a luminarias intelectuales. Plagar, ya lo sabes, se asocia a plagas lo que es decir a cosas negativas cuando no directamente asquerosas.
Wonderful site. My spouse and i in fact discovered this upon aol, for delighted Used to do. I will undoubtedly be ever coming back here more regularly. wish i could enhance the posts because well while deliver a bit more to the desk, however ‘m just studying and ingesting just as much information as I can right now.
I already have the recipe out and my turkey parts bought and tomorrow, I start. I want gravy! Enough to serve in a mug. It was awesome last year. Thanks so much, Michael!
We equate faith with fullness, when in truth faith most readily grows and is active in our barrenness. This especially hit me. Such profound truth here, and throughout the rest of this wonderful piece. Keeping you in my prayers, as always.Love,Joanne
Filipe BrÃgida • 8 de Outubro de 2010 às 22:52Viva Celso, tens de começar a enverdar mais por estes caminhos da edição de themes e edição CSS etc. Abraço
My dear friend Leah,Your birth story is as beautiful as you are! I’m so glad you are sharing it with the world. You gave Milan the greatest gift in a natural birth. Bring her to see her Aunt Jessie and Uncle Eddie in Texas again soon. We love her so!Jessica
Håller med de andra,varför gå in och läsa om man retar sig så.Måste ha mycket tid över och enormt dålig fantasi som inte kan hitta på en bättre syssla,kunde väl ägna sig åt inredning i stället eftersom denna person verkar anse sig så mycket bättre på det.Och otroligt fegt att vara anonym.
Just save creation good pleased. What did you say? just I needed! I have been previously browsing search engines comparable google the complete sunlight hours for some clothed editorial such as this
How absolutely beautiful! It’s like a ‘Visit Japan in Spring’ postcard – love it! How lucky for you to enjoy DC’s cherry blossoms this coming weeks. Hope your arm feels better soon, Anwar.
wordpress is a much better way to make websites for a bunch of reasons. one being you can update your site in minutes. it’s not written in code noone else knows how to edit.two, you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to have a great looking site.
Nee, ik herken het niet. Leg eens dat verhaal uit in details van die bunkers. het zo erg premide zijn als ik er niet meer over te weet kan komen.
Joan Thivierge Charron / Hypocrites, liars, traitors, seditionists, Marxists, pro-Islamic fanatics, anarchists – these words describe this administration. Biden, Pelosi and Sibelius purported Catholics. When their time comes may they all rot in hell with Obama.
Cette histoire de place dans le train ou le bus a réveillé de joyeux souvenirs dans ma mémoire.Et la recette classique du poulet à l’estragon aussi.Merci aussi pour ces jolis textes que je lis avec beaucoup de plaisir.MICHELE
dit :C’est tellement ironique ce que tu dis, quand on considère que la majorité des électeurs qui ont voté en 1962 ne connaissaient pas l’opinion des différents candidats… sur la nationalisation de l’électricité.Les électeurs sont tellement bête qu’on se demande pourquoi ils sont encore le droit de vote…(…sarcasme…)
A mio parere questo commento (che è bello) ignora però una delle cose più sorprendenti della serie: si dovrebbe aggiungere che il Dottore risolve tutti i problemi a suon di chiacchere !
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The drawbacks (if you’ll pardon the expression) are that feminismn is gender-based, gender-biased, and socially divisive.As for benefits, I’m thinking hard, no … WAIT, no, I give up. You might as well ask what are the benefits of naziism,.References :
"à°Žà°²్à°•ేà°œీ à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ à°ªాపను à°¸్à°•ూà°²్à°²ో à°¦ింపడాà°¨ిà°•ి à°µెà°³ిà°¤ే పదేà°³్à°³ à°•ొà°¡ుà°•ుà°¨ి à°¤ీà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ొà°š్à°šిà°¨ à°šిà°¨్à°¨ి à°¨ాయన 'à°†ంà°Ÿీ, à°µేà°°్ à°•ెà°¨్ à° à°®ీà°Ÿ్ à°¦ à°ª్à°°ిà°¨్à°¸ిà°ªాà°²్?" అనడుà°—ుà°¤ాà°¡ా?"LOL. à°¬ాà°¬ోà°¯్ నవ్వలేà°• à°šà°š్à°šాà°¨ు. It's just like you.
die Karte ist sooo schön.. ♥das Papier echt klasse.. Danke auch für deinen Kommentar bei meinen Meeris.. wir haben uns sehr gefreut.. ;-)Knuddel, Katrin
Some truly fantastic information, Gladiolus I observed this. “What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child.” by George Bernard Shaw.
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business, and here you are being extremely sex negative! This is contrary to the opinions of, I’d guess, close to 100% of your clientele! How can you run a business which caters to people you apparently despise?
Algunos MAESTROS no contestan todas las preguntas de los alumnos inquietos, porque lo suyo es provocarlas y despertar la inquietud por salir del amasamiento.Tu voto: 0 0
Gajeel 94 dit :Je vous précise que les scan devienne des mangas alors pour avoir les premiers scan acheter les mangas
Adriel – Tenho a impressão que vamos ter o foco no inglês, com a Liga Europa com time reserva. Se conseguirmos passar da fase de grupos, podemos jogar com um time com mais titulares.
Wonderful blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you suggest starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Nilgün’cüğüm, enfes görünüyor hepsi. Dereotlu tavuk salatasını muhakkak deneyeceÄŸim. Ellerine saÄŸlık. SaÄŸlık, mutluluk ve neÅŸe dolu bir yıl diliyorum. Sevgiler.
Montreal,din pacate aici nu se impart mandatele de consilier dupa procente. Deci nu conteaza cit are AIE impreuna. PD daca a luat 3% va avea un mandat, si un % se imparte nu stiu cum.Ideea e ca aici nu-i ca in parlament, evident ca situatia e aiurea dar nu se incalca nimic…
Valmiina ollaan! Laitan jotain Anna-Liisasta blogiini tänä iltana ja tulen mukaan keskusteluun viimeistään viikonloppuna. Tai ehkä jo heti huomenna, mutta loppuviikko on täynnä vieraita, joten voi olla, että blogielämä jää paitsioon pariksi päiväksi 🙂
Hmm having to pay though : have a look at my video if ya want guys a no bullshit way to potentially make a little bit of cash no you wont get rich but it does work
Andrés MarÃnmayo 31, 2010Felicitaciones a FUNACRATE y cuenten con un seguidor de su blog TIEMPO PASADO 24 HORAS: “hay algo que decir, es hora de contarâ€. ¡Qué bueno ver este tipo de proyectos en marcha!FELICITACIONES A TODOS SUS MIEMBROS Y COORDINADORES
Skämt eller allvar?Ja, övergången från ’okål’ till ’ont krut’ ser ut som ett skämt snarare än ett misstag. Men hur är det då med de båda andra klassikerna: ’Fuchsschwanz’ (rävsvans) som blivit ’fogsvans’ och ’Eisnächte’ (isnätter) som blivit ’Eisennächte’ > järnnätter? Med lite god vilja kan man tänka sig en ’fog’ mellan sågbladet (svansen) och handtaget samt att frosten kan hålla växtligheten i ett ’järngrepp’. Skämt eller allvar?
Hei hei,,,ja det var uvant å se bilder som ikke du selv har fine og stemningsfulle var de nå disse også, akkurat som dine!! Jeg flyr avgårde en liten stund,,,vi snakkes!!God helg og god uke til deg!! Kos deg med herlig høst og sysler ute og inne!! Klemfra hannemor
When my sons were younger (under 5) we loved taking baths together. great idea although they are a bit older now – lol. I'll take more with my husband!
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Oh hi, read your post on your trip to South Korea. I think you caption wrongly on the soldier. He is infact a South Korean soldier instead of a North Korean soldier.
Nu kommer alliansen bidrag för de kvinnor som stannar hemma med barnen. 3000 kronor för varje barn och månad, tror jag det var. Det blir klirr i kassan det, om de nu kan erhålla detta.
et quand ta famille arrive là ?Parce que reprendre cette putain de pub qui tourne en boucle ici: »la dépression, on la voit pas venir »
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heey mayai am a swifty i will not lie about it but when i head the song and read what it was about and tht picture of ronan appeared i really had to cry. every time i here the song the tears burst in my eyes over and over again. i’m so sorry for you and your family that you have to miss ronan R.I.Ptake care xxx
Hidden due to low comment rating. .kalau hati dah busuk apa pon sanggup buat . tak paham apa yang tak cukup lagi kat malaysia ni.Poorly-rated.
I was an L66 who left and went to Google. The system is *way* better here.Do a good job, get a good review, period. No zero-sum game bullsh*t, little politics, focus is on Get Shit Done.I couldn't be happier.
Þvà má bæta við að ég hef alltaf kunnað betur við skrúðgöngurnar sumardaginn fyrsta en 17. júnà þvà það eru ekki eins mikil læti og mannfjöldi.
Pizzan lÃ¥ter god! Ständigt dessa dieter, bara för att man gillar livets goda liiite för mycket ;)Diet även här…Kram frÃ¥n Frankrike
Hola Fabian ,soy Claudia, una alumna de Luisa. ¡me encantaria dar la vuelta al mundo!Pero no puedo,porque aun tengo 8 años.Y por cierto,no se dicen palabrotas,lo digo porque al final del video dijiste una gorda. ¡Buen viaje Fabián! ¡Ãnimo! que te lo pases muy bienTu voto: 0 0
La piloto venezolana Milka Duno participará en esta pelicula, encarnará a una piloto rusa lleva por nombre Gerabox.Que orgullo que la participación de Venezuela en Hollywood siga en aumento
This awesome blog is without a doubt entertaining and informative. I have chosen a bunch of useful stuff out of this blog. I’d love to return again and again. Cheers!
If liberals were as brilliant and devious as Sailer imagines, they would not participate in the political process anywayWhat, you are implying that liberal voters dont get what they want?Apart from gun control what else has not the liberals way? Look back 20, 30 years, what have liberals demanded that they havent been given? Whereas conservatives, what have they won?
The fact that it’s “post worthy” that someone quoted BRM speaks volumes. He was an apostle, and was right much more often than not. Unfortunately, many of the things he was wrong about are hot button issues today.
Ich finde die Gabel auch irgendwie fragwürdig. Abgesehen davon das es für Gemuffte Gabel keine Gabelscheiden gibt, also nix verstärktes. Sondern auch noch unnötigerweise so hoch gebaut. Leider.
If he’s just a dog clean IT up anytime you like, But if he’s part of your life clean him up once a week, and keep him healthy. S/He’ll be happy so will you be. Enjoy the day
Totul arata delicios, chiar si urzicile pe care sincer iti spun, nu le prea mananc. Nu pentru ca nu imi plac la gust, ci pentru ca am un dinte impotriva, caci si ele au avut o data pentru mine. Mica fiind si jucandu-ma, am alunecat si m-au urzicat mandrele urat de tot. Deci intelegi de ce am sa refuz minunatia asta de mancare
Hola RitaAl igual que a don Christian te recomendarÃa tomar el batido, entu caso como la cenaEsto te va a ayudar a mejorar tu rendimiento pues, tienes una comida llena de nutrientes, rápida de prepararPuedes visitarnos al Club de Nutrición de Forum I en la plazoleta de comidasfrente a Farmacia Fischel con Ileana Trejos o en Barrio San Bosco frente al parque MarÃa Auxiliadora con Mónica MoraO bien envÃanos un mensaje de texto con la palabra peso para llamarte y coordinar una cita donde te quede más cómodo
You can count your lucky stars if it only takes 2-3 days for you to get your money back. That would be very fast for paypal. I had to wait over 3 months to get my money back after I bought an item and paypal charged me 3 times for one purchase. They took the money instantly but were not nearly as fast at returning it. I don’t use them since but haven’t closed my acc yet. Sure that will be a problem too.
and 2KJ,I like the blog post and blog a lots and lots it is that good Mrs.Morris and Miss.Jorden.My favite thing was the disco becouse it was fun to dance to the music and it was lots of fun for my friend and I.I like the blog post and blog a lots and lots it is that good Mrs.Morris and Miss.Jorden.Your student,Mikayla
Jerry – I know that Danny went through some difficult times with SHU fans when he was a player at The Hall. Does he harbor resentment / ill will towards the university and or its administration? One would think that an alumnus of the university would take pride and want to better the school in which they came from. Clearly you have to be objective, as a reporter, but I would imagine / hope that you are a SHU fan, as you’re an alum!
Ouh là là , j’ai déjà du mal à avoir une bonne photo pour le thème « organisation » alors que j’ai des idées. Là ça va être encore plus difficile, je n’ai pas du tout d’idée glups…
Are we going to have to start shipping SPAM over to the UK again?It’s like a football match between The City of London and the UK Public. The Tories, representing the public, take the field and proceed to score an endless stream of own goals. And then, to show that there’s no hard feelings they pop in to 1 Lombard Street for drinks with “other” team.
seulkiSeptember 19, 2012I’ve been studying Toefl with him for about one and a half month so far. He is a great English teacher especially for writing and speaking. His class was so helpful for me. I’m pretty sure my writing and speaking skills have been improved while I’ve taken his class. I really appreciate for Robert’s help and effort. I highly recommend his class.
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she'd let me know when the room was done, and i could come back to photograph – i am going to try and contact her in a couple of months and make it happen! her house is just toooo cute!
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Dear Snatam we looking forward to receive your new album here in Holland, thank you for sharing this moment with us.We hope to see you 16 october in Amsterdam.Ronald & HennySat Nam…….
من رÙÂتار خانم گلیشÙÂته ÙÂراهانی رو “شخصا” تایید نمی کنم اما به اÙÂکار ایشون هم اØÂترام میزارم… ما ØÂق نداریم برای دیگران مسیر دلخواه خودمون رو مشخص کنیم… آزادی یعنی این… البته شما هنوز مÙÂهوم آزادی رو متوجه نشدی…
I just came across your blog through InstaFriday! Oh no, what a loong night of trying to get everyone settled and into bed. I think I would have ended up crying with them. Speaking of cribs, your post reminded me that tomorrow I need to lower my little guys crib mattress – or else I might have a similar problem!Have a wonderful weekend!
HeiMeillä on tämä sama suosikkihahmo. 🙂 Siinä edellisessä Maria Kallio-kirjassa hänellä oli se ammatillinen identiteetti-kriisi ja se oli minusta ihan järkkyä, kun Maria ei halunnut olla enää poliisi! Onneksi tässä viimeisimmässä hän oli päässyt sen vaiheen yli, vaikka on tosiaan vaisumpi…
Hi, what a fabulous idea. I’d love to join a SICK Stitchers group! I live between Blacktown & Penrith (NSW/AUS).[Editor’s note: Deb, get a group together (number of members does not matter) and email me: YAY New South Wales!!hugsrobeditor]
“Quindi anche il cristiano, intendo quello dopo il battesimo e la comunione, può finire nell’inferno !?!”Reza, ti hanno già risposto ma io devo farti una domanda: tu vivi in Italia da molti anni, hai amici italiani, abiti pure a Roma, e un principio base della religione del posto ti è ignoto? Un principio citato da amici e nemici della Chiesa cattolica? Non riesco a capire, tu giuro.x Barbara: il Limbo è un’ipotesi teologica, che di recente il Papa ha pure dichiarato che è il caso di lasciar perdere. Francesco
I cannot seem to jump on the instagram train….or twitter for that matter….I have a facebook and a blog….and try to limit myself to those to keep my actual face to face interactions…Read a few of your posts….will be reading more =)Happy Bloggin’
alex / Não deboches do seu irmão, porque e isso que os impios o fazem, ensine a ele, envie um email e diga para corregir, e não ficar rindo amem!
February 27, 2012 – 10:27 pm Well for the last few years I have been advising people to forget about what they think google wants and just focus on writing good original content that people want to read and the SERP’s will come. I still believe it is the only way forward. Sure H1′s H2′s, meta, page titles, etc. are all necessary but I find to many people get focused on short cuts and end up paying a price in the end for it.
Vilken underbar bild pÃ¥ dessa styggelser! De kan faktist vara riktigt vackra sÃ¥här! Grattis till nya bostaden! Och lycka till med flytten…det mÃ¥ste vara spännande att fÃ¥ nytt! :O)Ha en skön dag!
marcio dantas disse:Nossa !! que historia Linda , conquistar a mesma mulher duas vezes e ama- la da mesma forma é com certeza um ato incrÃvel .isso tudo na vida real .Perfect
Thanks Jodi! As you can see, we loved discreet patterns for our funiture back then I hope you finish your cape in time. It’s convenient for the rain, but it’s not working that much against cold!
Il n’y a qu’a faire le calcul.Combien coute la niche fiscalCombien couterait la mise a niveau des infrastructures sur 5 ou dix ans.Et on verra quel est le système le plus avantageux.Sinon, je ne pense pas que les 35h seront occupé intégralement par une présence devant les gosses. Le professeur devra préparé ces cours, corriger les DS, et prendre le temps de répondre aux élèves en difficultés (quitte à s’organiser pour réserver une heure sur tel point du programme, une heure sur tel autre point…)
November 26, 2012 I’m open to listening to and hearing a lot of ideas from any human who has viewed our borderless planet from space. That perspective alone intrigues me, and he seems qualified and capable, beyond that perspective.
Buna ziua,Am aflat de curand ca sunt insarcinata, dar ma intereseaza acest subiect in mod special. Va rog sa-mi spuneti daca este vreun impediment in recoltarea celulelor stem daca eu sunt purtatoare sanatoasa de virus hepatic B. Va multumesc.
(the nearest for us Sheffielders) restaurant. I’ve had my fair share of decent halal steak in Sheffield but to finally eat at a TGIF/HRC kind of place that doesn’t limit you to ikan or salad piqued
Nem tudom hány éves vagy, de azt tudom, hogy úttörÅ‘ként a rendszert éltettem a tél közepén a “felszabadÃtó” kommunista katonák szobránál, mert ha nem Ãgy tettem volna, a szüleim nem kaptak volna fizetést, pedig a pokolba kÃvántam az egész pártot. Pontosan tudom mi a kommunizmus és a diktatúra, nem kell magyarázni. MSZP-nek meg SZDSZ-nek pedig azért drukkolok, hátha még jobban romba döntik az országot, mert akik lakják, ezt érdemlik. Csaó.
Wat wordt jullie slaapkamer mooi zeg !!!Het behang vind ik trouwens ook erg mooi en je luikjes ja die heb ik even aan mijn mannetje laten zien hoor…het geeft wel een heel mooi sfeertje aan het geheel.Ik kijk uit naar het eindresultaat.Lieve groet…ELLY.
Une magnifique écriture emplie de nombreuses références littéraires et cinématographiques qui nous plonge dans Paris. Un magnifique voyage…Mais aussi de belles relations familiales…A lire absolument..
O gradina demna de admiratie.Felicitari pentru munca, pentru ca si mie imi place gradinaritul, si stiu cata munca trebuie depusa pentru ca totul sa arate asa!
OMG i can’t wait for the movie to come out! every time i see new photos i get all excited! And i also think that this is the part where Johanna, Wiress, and Beetee come up to the cornocopia unexpectedly…
This weblog seems to get a great deal of visitors. How do you get traffic to it? It gives a nice individual spin on things. I guess having something real or substantial to talk about is the most important thing.
to date and connected with your business…on a day to day basis. your feature articles and posts can be written by the staff, by other departments and even by your customers. making use of one of the free blogging platform makes it easy, free and accessible for…
Just checking the keep flag(keepExisting) value, This worked for me‘beforerowselect’: function(sm, rowIndex, keep, rec) { // To keep the checkbox unselected when operated on a row in the grid. if (keep) return true; else return false; }
The food was gorgeous and mouthwatering, of course, but the sense of home and family was the real take-away and we largely have you and Grace to thank for that. Can’t wait for more to come– already planning my next contributions!
Cow’s milk is for baby cows! As long as she is eating a varied diet of green veggies, whole grains, fruits and legumes, she will get all of the protein and calcium she needs (which is really the only reason cow’s milk is ever “recommended” anyway).
jorge el anonimo de la traduccion fui yo XD y….matias,la cosa no es que me es dificil pasarlo,es q no tengo una buena compu como para que me entre y poder jugarlo,y esta la version para play 2,pero estoy averiguando y no lo consigo x ningun lado,creo que lo voy a comprar en meristation x 50 pesos XD
Nice one. Your abs really are detailed in this vid. I hurt my lower back holding a plank position while resting on my elbows and pulsing my pelvis up and down. I think I saw this variation somewhere in a fitness mag and it seemed to work fine for awhile but one dayZAP! and I was done!
it was negative sentiment, but actually it was just people with bills to pay needing to cash in their Aussie assets. All claims that commercial activity is speculation need to be looked at carefully.
Some genuinely wonderful posts on this web site, appreciate it for contribution. “When he has ceased to hear the many, he may discern the One – the inner sound which kills the outer.” by H Hahn Blavatsky.
lei lauraromana non ama leggere attentamente o informarsi, lei dipende da ciò che viene calato dall’alto del vaticano, io ho trovato il commento di Cherubino molto approfondito e la sua una opinione precisa e non concusa e l’ho straquotato.
Thanks, chimnese!! Still wandering for sure… and hopping this phase of moments title soon and part there was as just a memory.I am always grateful for your thoughts:)~L
Howdy very cool blog!! Guy .. Excellent .. Superb .. I’ll bookmark your web site and take the feeds additionally…I am glad to find so many useful info right here in the post, we need work out extra techniques in this regard, thank you for sharing. . . . . .
Hey Sas..Best wel lastig met dit soort dagen om dan de juiste kleding uit te zoeken. Maar wat je hebt gedragen ziet er heel erg gezellig uit! En je tas..hij is zeker leuk. Van een broodje pindakaas wordt je natuurlijk wel groot en sterk!!hahahh Heeft het je gesmaakt? Je ziet het, wat niet is kan altijd nog komen.Lieve groetjes, Elly
CarlaAÅŸa e de bine să interacÅ£ionezi cu oameni plăcuÅ£i, să fii ajutat dezinteresat… ÃŽn sfârÅŸit e liniÅŸte în casă, fetele dorm fericite, cu jucăriile lor… Priceless!
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Acabo de entrar a tu blog ya que me sigues por twitter y la verdad es que tiene muy buena pinta, en breve me pondré a disfrutar de esos vÃdeos.Me encanta descubrir nuevos blogs de viajes y en este caso sobre vÃdeos algo en lo que debo mejorar, y mucho!Jesús MartÃnezVero4travel
doch einfach bei einer bekannten Suchmaschine, z.B. Google, nach deinem Lieblingsthema und setze "Verzeichnis", "eintragen" oder "vorschlagen" dahinter. Dann kommen evtl. Verzeichnisse, die die Suchmaschine zu deinem Thema als wichtig erachtet. Den PR der Seite kannst du getrost ausser acht lassen.P.S.: Frage? Bekommt man bei einem sinnvollen Kommentar hier rel follow? Dann würd ich das gern beantragen 😉
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I think that’s why it’s called Breaking Dawn…it’s as if hundreds of thousands of teenage girls suddenly woke up and realized that the books they were in love with were actually, you know, bad. Like the saying we have here in MA that “Light dawns on Marblehead.”
DaytonaThanks for an interesting video, I have had my 650d with 18-135 STM for 2 weeks and shot about 3 hrs of video. There are 4 settings for continuous AF, FlexiZone multi, Flexizone Single, face tracking and ‘quick mode’. Do you know what mode it was in for this video? My camera came default with face tracking selected (it fails over to Flex-multi if no face found), and when i switched it to ‘quick mode’ the AF seems to work better, its the only mode that uses the dedicated sensor. Interestingly-The flexizone multi has up to 31 AF points.
Good chapter, especially the writing in the beginning! I suspect this might be wrong though:”April and Judy had a few bottles of wine and light snacks in their room.”Surely the toddler doesn’t really care for wine..?
Du hast die Stückchen offenbar ohne Probleme aus der Silikonform rausgekriegt, oder? Meine wollten dort nicht wirklich raus 😉 Vielleicht hab ich was überlesen, aber ich probiere weiter!
Oh i sure hope so cause when im reading i already feel like ive watched the movie but id love to see it on the big screen. and id also like to be in it but i know thats a small possibilty.
I’m impressed with your ideas and the way you express them in this article. I share many of your views and enjoyed reading this article. It’s a pleasure to see well-written original content these days.
I am of the opinion that you can never, ever have too many cozy oversized cardigans. We just got our first snow of the season over the weekend and an enormous cuddly sweater sounds perfect right about now.Thanks for the links! My favorite is the black and grey one. Delish.
Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.
Une loi martiale en temps de paix, c’est nouveau ça vient de sortir, même Hitler n’a pas osé !!!Mais dans un pays de zombies OBAMANIAC aurait tort de se gêner.
Eu e meu marido estamos iniciando nosso tratamento aà no Instituto, e precisamos fazer a entrega de exames para um Andrologista, só que não consigo marcar a consulta pelos telefones, e por email não tive resposta.Vocês estão atendendo normalmente neste começo de ano?Como devemos proceder para não perdermos a data de vencimento dos exames?Agradeço a atençãoAttAna e Eduardo
 Fish fires? I don’t even know what that is. Like fish on fire? Or did you mean fish fries? Like Fish BBQ’s? You have a fantabulous week, too, Nezzy! XOXOXXO
I like underdogs, also.But not enough to favor them when they are wrong.If this were to be a ‘bash Christians and the church’ blog only, then her comments would be worth defending.But you have always welcomed comments from Christians as they relate to their Christian faith, and the topic at hand.Sometimes the underdog is just flat out of line.
Col. 3.12-15, NKJV12 Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. 14 But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
Love this tag, the ‘metal’ background looks terrific. I didn’t make a tag for August because I didn’t have any of the items used & due to a mojo fail I couldn’t think of another way around it, but this I definitely want to try.
« Moi, XY, j’emploie « auteure » car j’observe de plus en plus de XX qui souhaite que cet usage se répande. »A bonne entendeure, salut…(légers rires)
tu che sei della CIA puoi aiutarmi?La tua green card è già nella tua buca delle lettere. Che naturalmente sappiamo già dov’è 🙂
A mi me parece una excelente idea, ya que a muchos desarrolladores en ocasiones nos cuesta trabajo cuando tenemos que checar algún código ajeno entender qué esta modificando qué y si hubiese un estándar cómo este creo que serÃa mucho más fácil tanto manipular código ajeno como el propio pues habrÃa mucho mayor control
28/10/2009 at 5:34 pmHey Scary, still not finished with the new style of the site, but i haven’t got time to finish before halloween… wedding on Saturday and i’m behind. I’ve been poorly since Sunday, it got into my spine/back whatever it was so i was laid up in bed for the past 3 days…good job it happened beginning of the week. Anyway, this is why i haven’t been on for a while.Seeyou after the weekend
Eat only when hungry and not more than thcire a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Ã’ðÑÂøûь ÃœðртюúÞрóðýі÷ðтþрø ðúціù ÿрþтõÑÂту, ÿрþÑÂÑÂть ýðѠтõрüіýþòþ ÷рþñøтø úûіÿø-трõùûõрø ôþ фіÃ»ÑŒÃ¼Ñƒ “Óðýôі”.æõ ÿþтріÃ±Ã½Ã¾ ôûѠùþóþ ÿþÿуÃȄÂрø÷ðції і ýðÑÂûіôуòðýýѠò ôðýøù üþüõýт!ÒіôóуúуùтõÑÂь!
So true. This, like many other chronic diseases, won't go away. We have to deal with it or face the consequences. We all have our good days and bad, I just hope our good out weigh our bad. I won't comment on ??????? because I don't want to publicize them. You know what I mean.
É disso que nossa Igreja precisa!!Estive nessa missa e fiquei muito contente, pois o cântico gregoriano nos dá mais piedade durante a Santa Missa e nos demonstra o verdadeiro sentido da Missa.Muito obrigado Arautos!!! Amo Vocês!!!
Jaha. Ska vi sammanfatta denna trÃ¥d nu?Missunnsamt, märkvärdighetsbehov och falsk dold agenda.Jag tror jag nöjer mig med detta.Mys… mys… kvinnomys (feministmys)
Mensch, sind die chic geworden! Ich hab so was in der Art schon mal irgendwo gesehen und will das schon genauso lange mal ausprobieren. Es hapert nur am Ausgangsmaterial. Wo bekommt men denn z.B. solche Neusilberplatten? Es brennt mir jetzt total unter den Nägeln und ich will das endlich ausprobieren!!!GLG, Miriam
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>If you are really interested in this topic, I recommend “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan. When the food industry started “processing” food is when we really began to see changes. We have Sunny D instead of orange juice, Hot Pockets instead of a sandwich, Red Bull instead of Iced Tea… Eat real food. Feel better. Lose weight. Garbage in – garbage out.
La musique adoucit les mœurs!If one considers all the present-day Jews' contribution to music, literature, philosophy etc, one would understand the genius of our peoplevidal sultana
Great site here. Many blogs like this cover subjects that cant be found in magazines and newspapers. I dont know how we got by 10 years ago with just newspapers and magazines.
>tror du den Finns på alla rusta?vill gärna ha tag på den ! men bor i malmö!några andra ställen som har ..vad du/ni vet ?
I’m sharing with my home school group. We have scripture up in every room except one bathroom, and it’s only because we haven’t decorated that room yet! Great contest, I’d love to see others’ creative ideas and what verses they use.
I usually do not even know how I ended up here, but I believed this put up was beneficial. I never know who you’re but definitely you are heading to your popular blogger in the event you aren’t already Cheers!VA:F [1.6.5_908]please wait…VA:F [1.6.5_908](from 0 votes)
Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..
many family connections has me going back occasionally to trying to find the familial connection between Valeria Jarret and Barry. There is a very strong resemblance between them. Look at who was Barry's best man and look who he knew well enough to traipse across the world to campaign for — and when he did, how the Kenyans already knew him. It is obvious he knew, his entire life, and was close to this Kenyan relatives. It is obvious it was his stomping grounds. How did relationships develop to become personal and special and deep enough to be best man?
Hum…C’est ben délicat…Perso,un passé lourd reglé pas de probleme avec ca …Mais ,quelqu’un pris ds la marde ,j’ai connu ca et Comme Martin dis je pense,tot ou tard la marde se repends sur toi…Moi ,j’ai une vie simple,calme,un enfant en bas age alors je veux garder ca de meme ….On juge pas certain ce monde la c’est juste qu’ils ont des problemes a regler avant de commencer quelque chose avec quelqu’un de nouveau…
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Equiparable a un t7200? vaya chiste, una compañÃa nueva en el mercado de las cpu va a sacar de la noche a la mañana un producto igual o superior al de un gigante que lleva desde los inicios en la industria….. a ver quien se traga eso, pero si no lo ha sacado AMD que también lleva muchos años en esto…..
is SYMBOL for the SUN RAYS = SERPENT coming out from the winged sun (worldwide ancient depiction) learn about the language of all ancient petroglyphs, egyptian & mayan symbolic holy secret language of the real GOD of THIS WORLD…or read the language of the crop circles, it´s the same!
Parabens pela review , tenho muito interesse no aparalho , mais aidna falta grana pra investir R$1000 em um celular. Você pretende fazer uma review do novo Xperia Mini Pro que é vendido na fastshop , possui o mesmo hardware da nova linha da sony mas tem uam tela de apeans 3 polegadas e resolução menor (e preço tambem)
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Je lis tous ces commentaires……!!!!!,et je dis NON à la violence,quimalheureusement est bien imprégnée dans la société actuelle AUQUOTIDIEN .La FRANCE doit changer de mentalité:constater notammentqu’il fait bon vivre dans CE pays!!!!!!.Et que les jeunes SE BOUGENTsurtout pour avoir du travail au sortir de leurs études!!!!;COURAGE……NE FUYONS PAS!!!!!
you’re still only in your early 30′s, you have plenty of time God willing to get your music written and recorded, I enjoyed your band videos (and your singing)and the originals, you don’t need any validation. I have no doubt we’ll be hearing more from you in the years to come. Just savor it all, it’s all good.
Gonzo De toute façon c’est la Fédé qui décidera.Je ne comprends pas les exigences du club, pour le coup… demander un report en même temps que la coupe de la Ligue, c’est perdu d’avance : on ne va pas chambouler le calendrier global pour deux équipes et une rencontre !Et puis charger l’OM à cause d’intempéries dont l’ampleur n’a même pas été prévue par Météo France, c’est un peu léger aussi…Si vous avez une explication qui tient la route, je suis preneur.
ANDREEA HANU nu mai da comentarii in numele catalinei. Invidia asta stiu ca nu-ti da pace! Sunt colegele tale, ar trebui sa spui adevarul, nu sa mananci cacat aiurea!
Why are the nightsun systems not tested? I had a team version and was happy with it, even though the company has a reputation of unfriendly service. But the people at Nightsun will not specify the lumens. They argue it is not a good measure and insist on using Watts, which is power before it is converted to lumens, which is a measure of light.
Je ne sais pas à combien est la taxe suisse mais avec les frais de changement de monnaie et la TVA à 19,6% (peut-être 20% bientôt) c’est pas gagné.
Yes It’s fine. Eggs are almost the perfect choice. If your body is susceptible to cholesterol (lipids sticking to each other), that would be a concern… but only a blood test could tell that. Eating foods high in cholesterol doesn’t automatically make your bodies LDL cholesterol level rise. Fact is, many serious bodybuilders eat 6-8 eggs a day.
· yes the plate is wonderful!The thing I love more about summer is…everything!! most of all longer days and swimming at the lake , or staying all day in the garden when I’m not at the shop.I just adore summer, but there is something I like in every season, winter included. Hot supper, or hot showers, for example. My other favorite is not feeling guilty if I stay all day on the couch, reading or watching a movie. There is something to love in every season, but I am a summer girl.
Thank you, Bookaholics! By the way, do you know of a good African internet bookshop that delivers internationally? There are lots of good African books that never get released over here. I've used Kalahari in the past, but only because they're the only ones I know of.
running linux mint elyssa(8.04.2 Hardy)& i getError: in guard: symbol required but got: Error: fatal: looped fatal errorstill running firefox.old…any suggestions? tried disabling all add-ons…
edyyy, incearca sa te imprietenesti cu cineva din anturajul ei si astfel poti intra in cercul ei de amici… dar ce s-a intamplat, ai renuntat asa de repede la fata de care vorbeai? Deja alergi dupa alta?
Love your blog. We have been looking for some art over our mantel and I was just thinking of commissioning something from you. But would much rather have an "original" piece from your fantastic art brain.Anyway, I will be checking back every day looking for what you post to sell. Can't wait.
And we keep wondering why there are barely any people of color represented on television. These photos are basically 85% of all the major power brokers in television (some notables missing like Mark Itkin and Bruce Rosenblum). Not one exec or agent with juice that doesn’t look like everyone else. Wait, my apologies I saw an Asian woman and one Indian guy.The rep and exec ranks reflect the nominations. Le sigh (c) Pepe Le Pew.
Min Lavendel blommar nu och luktar himla gott. Jag blir alltid så imponerad av allt du får plats med. Min tomatplanta har tomater nu den är också en sådan som man inte behöver tjuva men speciellt stor är den inte mer som en kompakt dvärg.
Love Zenders and Frankenmuth. Iv’e been going there all my life and love to take visitor’s there. We have orbught friends from France, and Australia, and many US states to Zenders. Keep going, we love you.
i absolutely enjoy weddings too! and i would have been that girl that screamed because of a frog too. there are just some things that shouldn't be at a buffet table.
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Awesome website you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any discussion boards that cover the same topics discussed in this article? I’d really like to be a part of online community where I can get responses from other experienced people that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Cheers!
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Laurent 22 mai 2009 Oui , enfin pour ce qui est de la bd, les références sont discutables, parce que lire Aquablue ou Sillage après douze ans, hein… Et je ne parle pas des Stryges.
Tudod mikor ettem pászkát utoljára? háááát több mint fél évszázada. Nekem már akkor is Ãzlett. Ki kellene próbálnom, jó kis napközbeni ropogtatós lehetne.
Where are the logos? I’m happy that you got these, but would like to see them on your website. I love your moisturizer and cleanse and mask, – the nourish and exfoliate are great too. Thanks, Elle
CSV was a little less than DB at life expectancy for a policy I recently looked at. Guaranteed was 2% for CSV, 3% for DB, Projected was something like 4.9% for CSV and 5.1% for DB. But that was all for a 30 year old expected to die at 81. 5 decades is a long time.
manage their day-to-day life without car.Sooner or later, you will end up buying a car.Here is an Ultimate Car Buying Guide that you must read before planning to buy a used car or new car./**/Reviews Policy:Your words are
Christina – Absolutely stunning! They all are FAB, but my fav is the teaser and the steamy one.:) Ouch… Fire baby! The 27th can’t come fast enough. woohooo!
to do, forget everything you know and start over new. You might be surprised at what you discover that you didn’t know but thought you knew.
hola, soy una chica joven que tiene enojo por ciertas cosas que a veces no puedo controlar quisiera saber algunas cosas de como poder controlar mi rabia hacia esas cosas que son minusculas pero que pueden hacer enojar a los que mas me quieren
Tak sangka ramai yg jahil kat sini…Aku tak faham dengan sikap gadis islam d malaysia…Memalukan sungguh….Aku tak tau lak…zaman bcinta dah boleh anggap jantan tu suami ..nak cium tangan bagai…depan umum camni…belakang tak pastilah… bukan sesaja nak kecoh…CIUM TANGAN …. Cium tangan yer bukan bsalaman biasa…amenda yg taksub sgt menang terus cium tangan?Ramai yg amik temeh hal ni…Karat pun sama jahil…..Artis mmg takleh jadi idola…
I recently had a kiss on the first date that was so bad I had to let him kiss me again just to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. Unfortunately, it was true. It was like he was a fat baby (correction, he was fat) trying to suck crisco from a bottle. BLEH!! Turns out he had had cosmetic surgery on or around his face and that may be why he had no control over his kissing.
Hi Wow what a perfect gift set with all these wonderful Magnolias and designs what else could anyone want cookies a good book and some wine !! Love this loads so inspired !! ;0)
Rebecca – Oh, my! Well, you could get a cockatiel or parakeet if you don’t have one and use it for bird cage lining. Then see if your new friend learned any of those interesting words. Perhaps I’m not being fair, but…
Your talent is truly appreciated!! Thank you. You saved me a great deal of frustration. I switched from Joomla to Drupal to the WordPress platform and Ive fully embraced WordPress. Its so considerably easier and easier to tweak. Anyway, thanks once again. Awesome domain!
I simply want to say I am just all new to blogging and really liked your page. Most likely I’m planning to bookmark your website . You actually have remarkable well written articles. Many thanks for sharing with us your blog.
Hey! Because of your blog, I bought the book AND then I turned around and bought 3 more copies for 3 of my favorite colleagues. I’ve been blabbing “The War of Art” all about. Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze.
Con el mayor gusto Carolina.Hola Henry: También hay “escribanos arrodillados”, por supuesto, pero decir que no hay periodistas es una acusación muy temeraria porque hay valientes periodistas en las ciudades y en muchos rincones de la provincia. Indudablemente, investigar puede terminar en un nuevo “falso positivo”, pero es un riesgo que hay correr. Saludos.
I tu CiÄ™ mam. Najpierw odmawiasz prawa kapitaliÅ›cie do czerpania korzyÅ›ci z zakÅ‚adu, jaki stworzyÅ‚, a teraz chcesz by robotnicy dzielili siÄ™ wartoÅ›ciÄ… dodatkowÄ… ze spoÅ‚eczeÅ„stwem przy pomocy paÅ„stwa socjalistycznego. I to już wyzyskiem ma nie być. Przecież wyzysk jest wyzyskiem bez wzglÄ™du na to, kto wyzyskuje, musisz udowodnić, że paÅ„stwo socjalistyczne nie wyzyskuje. UdziaÅ‚ spoÅ‚eczeÅ„stwa/paÅ„stwa w rozkrÄ™caniu biznesu jest jeszcze mniejszy niż kapitalisty, a mimo to pierwsze nie pasożytuje na pracy robotników?Czekam na odpowiedź na kluczowy fragment poprzedniego mojego wpisu od „OK” do „skazany na upadek”.
I couldn't find before pictures but this movie house in Detroit went through the same decline to un-inhabitable structure until it was reclaimed and brought back to it's former venue which now does the live stage show thing.
Aug14 Very interesting Mike! I am looking forward to the series. BTW, I am also looking to various pro solutions and I wonder which one is ‘better’. Smartabase looks very interesting, but I would love to compare it with Kinetic Athlete. Can you share some of your experiences with them?
revisa no la fecha de este video , sino la del video oficial, donny no escribio ni produjo esta cancion, pero ya dejemos esto ahi, peleando por huevadas, igual es musica, pero cuando la canta da zoo suena mejor !!!!!!!!!!!!
“we’re” . I’m thinking he is referring to the general public? Lets face it…most of “us” are not ready for the “truth” b/c of the first rule of the “truth” which is that it will be rejected. I work with 300 other people and I try asking them about the “chem-trails” in the sky….most of them think they are just natural clouds.
Lucas is learning to enjoy them too… although trips with him are not quite as peaceful as when I go alone. He heads straight for the kids section and wants to know where the train table is.
khairulkaizer on salam tuan.. sy nak tanye boleh x buat bisness wifi hotspot di rumah… bagi org pkai wifi tp kena bayar .. salah x dr segi undang2..
Madre de Dios!! cuando veo esto me arrepiento de toner Gofrera! pero que buenÃsima pinta tiene…..y las fotos preciosas! unos paisajes maravillosos verdad! Mil Besos
Bu GFS haritası Cuma 18:00-24:00 saatleri arası için;bu harita da Cumartesi 00:00-06:00 saatleri için;yani;bu haritalara göre Ä°stanbul için durum önemli bir değişiklik olmazsa pek de iç açıcı değil…
Voi onnea! Minäkin haluaisin päästä joskus käymään ateljeessa, ja kesämökkikin olisi jännittävä nähdä. Olen miettinyt liittymistä tuohon nimikkoseuraan, mutta täältä Suomen napanöyhtäalueelta olisi hankalaa osallistua millään tapaa toimintaan. Mutta kerta seura tekee tuollaisia turistimatkoja, niin pitänee liittyä. Jos joskus pääsisi mukaan!Mitä muuten pidät Westinin kirjasta? Minä en ole saanut luettua sitä vieläkään loppuun, alkoi niin puuduttaa sen itsensä toistaminen. Ehkä joskus…
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I especially note that she accused a black man of attacking her in her made-up story, thereby adding the requisite racial element to make the political aspect of the fake story more interesting. I hope her punishment is appropriate. 0Was this answer helpful?
Linda Johnson Extremely disappointed. Traveled 45 miles to try this bbq. The ribs were extremely fatty. We didnt get the sides we ordered and when we called to complain we were not offered any good solution, except the next time we come in they will make it right. Don’t think I will be driving that far again for this food. This food is way over priced and not worth the effort.
Y no debiéramos olvidar que fue Ãlvarez Cascos quien les permitió esos privilegios. Conviene recordárselo ahora que amenaza con volver. Y el cretino del González Pons intentando sacar tajada polÃtica de la sitúación, ¡qué asco! Y totalmente de acuerdo con la falta de previsión de Pepiño. Ayer me indignaron las sonrisas de la controladora que entraba a una sala del hotel Auditorium protegida convenientemente por la policÃa nacional.
Is there a penalty for going on adventures when you’re not a member of the Adventurer’s Guild? Do Guild representatives come and repossess your sword and your Never-full bag?
agustin syamsianah mengatakan:program baik, sangat bermanfaat untuk menata masa depan anak bangsa berlabel NAKES (tenaga kesehatan, untuk itu LANJUTKAN. Bravo HPEQ
Following you on bloglovin'! I'm new to it, but when I saw this dress I knew I had to enter! By the way, I love your blog, you are so gorgeous!I would wear the dress with my lilac purple maxstudio strappy heels and my small bcbg gold and black clutch-handbag. I would also wear my great great grandmother's cameo brooch as a necklace.
yeh i like my way better too but it was interesting to see how others would do it! apparently i was dreaming about illamasqua eyeshadows last night, my husband made me talk while i was sleeping lol 🙂
Miam, elles seront gâtées les maîtresses dis-moi ! J'adore l'idée de l'étiquette avec la photo et l'écriture de l'enfant. C'est super !Bravo et courage pour le Giron ! La Gruyère, c'est aujourd'hui le dernier jour, snifff…
It is perfect time to make a few plans for the long run and it is time to be happy. I’ve learn this post and if I may just I want to recommend you some interesting things or tips. Maybe you can write next articles relating to this article. I desire to learn more things approximately it!
They don’t owe anything. They own it outright. You can find out how much the previous buyer paid for it in county records.References : Was this answer helpful?
Steve writes: “imagine anybody in China is saying right now: “It only costs $1 million for a U.S. Senator? Are you kidding? Buy me a dozen!”Why would the Chinese be interested in dime-a-dozen Senators? They have already bought themselves a United States President for much less in the 90’s…..
Dan, instead of a separate post, I don’t suppose I could interest you in joining a support group for solvers of the Blindauer puzzle? After having at it yesterday this middling solver could use a kind word, a nip from a flask, maybe a nice warm blankie. I know … you solved it while listening to part of “The Flight of the Bumble Bee.” You’re not allowed in the group! Unless you’re the keeper of the flask and blankie, that is!
*lol* du weißt es einfach immer wie man lustige Einträge schreibt :D. Schön das du dein Leben genießt und uns daran teilhaben lässt, danke liebe Vera!
Hombre, era pichetarea organizata de Politie si politistii erau paziti de jandarmi. Pe toti ii filmau si fotografiau ziaristii. Acuma, cata minte sa fi avut incat sa ma iau la bataie cu cineva aoclo? )
In the current 5.0 beta (Windows XP) I get an error "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL" when trying to load another page into a frame or IFrame (all are file:// URLs). It worked perfectly in 4.1 stable. Lots of the Intranet pages here no longer work in 5.0 beta due to this error.
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You continue to encourage me to find a good serger! Very nice.Your butt actually gets lost in the pants, which isn’t terribly flattering but I’m sure they’re plenty flattering when you’re, say, gardening and moving about.
Bra att du stakade mig på killen, jag dubblade ju upp.Titta solen!!!!!Lite harvande i dag på träningen, hoppas jag kan svingträna istället Hörs!
Over 4 million visitors, to a blog which deals with IP: a fantastic achievement and a testament to the quality of the blogging, the management of the blog, and the general editorial brilliance of JP and the team. Many congratulations to all concerned and keep up the great work.
sinon, moi aussi je peux vous dénigrer parce que vous ne comprenez pas mon point de vue, qui à moi m’apparaît comme élémentaire. Pas très fair-play tout ça.
Is not a gill 1/4 pint, so a one-sixth gill would be 1/24 pt, and 80 of them would be 3.333… pt.I believe 8 one-sixth gills may have been meant, or 16 for 2/3 pint.As for pints in a cubic foot, I can only answer for American pints (or gallons). Our gallon is 231 in³, a pint 1/8 that so 1728 * 8 / 231 = 59 and 195/231 pints in a cubic foot.Bah, I can do Imperial. A cubic foot is 28.316 846 592 L, and an Imp. pint 0.568 261 25 L. I get 49. 830 684 pt.
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July 31, 2012 at 4:36 pmI was wondering about getting a degree in Mechanical Engineering but I would hate having a desk job. So I was thinking about becoming a machinist of some kind. Can I? Or what degree should I go for instead, any suggestions? Reply
Não sejas assim tão pessimista! Tenho a certez de que o homem, mais tarde ou mais cedo, conseguirá ler em voz alta o menu de um restautante, desde que não tenha muitos pratos, claro.
21/05/2011 10:00 дп Цена КачеÑтво ПреÑтиж ДоÑтупноÑÑ‚ÑŒ Рне подÑкажете какой коÑметикой вы пользуетеÑÑŒ ÑейчаÑ? У Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¶Ðµ проблема как и у ваÑ. Заранее ÑпаÑибо!!! Ð’Ñ‹ ÑоглаÑны? 0 0
Everyone else has done the guessing for me. I have only got as far as Singapore and Hong Kong in that direction so I am looking forward to seeing some photos when you return. The best holiday though we had I think was Phuket, so relaxing and wonderful food. Diane
En ymmärrä mitä Suomi todellisuudessa kehtitysavusta hyötyy. Eikö olisi sama annettaisiinko 200M€ vai 20M€ tuskin avustettavassa maassa mikään ei muuttuisi. Ainostaan Suomi hyötyy.Enkä usko, että Suomen avustuksita päättävät vedet silmissä päätöksiä tekevät. Täytyy kyllä ihmetellä!
These are conflicted men who are shown as much deeper than Uday, though they are psychopaths as well. Jonathan Kim, do not throw around such superlatives in relation to this film. Your credibility takes a hit when you do so. This is not characterization NOR acting of a high order. It is unsubtle, showy directing. Not incompetent, but obviously not made by serious dramatists.
We really appreciate your blog post. There are dozens of ways we could put it to proper use with minimal effort with time and hard earned money. Thank you very much for helping make the post answer many queries we have encountered before now.
i was late to the game of instagram too. be sure to get all those awesome instagram apps to make your pictures EVEN better. that china is awesome. i want the same only brown. gerble gerble.
One time I saw Bjork walking down the street in Greenwich Village in NYC. She was all in white (although not the outfit in the photo!).She looked ethereal.OK, so in line with the drinking game, can I have a drink for that?
Christina,People who need to attack are unhappy and have issues. Feel sorry for them instead. And don't let them turn you into a person you don't want to be!I think you are one of the best in blog land!ox, MonI
Selznick actually moved into the studio in 1935, and drove his future wife Irene past in 1930 before they wed saying he hoped to acquire it one day. The grounds and part of the facade were used as Rhett’s home in GWTW.
Gotta say, thanks unbelievably for this blog!!You don’t often find a good site which isn’t just all lies anymore I’ve already written it down so I can come back to it!
Good day! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could get a captcha plugin for my comment form? I’m using the same blog platform as yours and I’m having trouble finding one? Thanks a lot!
Le problème c’est que le choix du thème revient au gagnant du défi. C’est la tradition.Mais si Marc ne choisi pas un nouveau thème, promis, le prochain sera àla manière de… ^^
ãòðöðõüыù, Ã’ûðôøÑÂûðò, ÿрþÑÂøü утþчýøть ò úðúþù þрóðýø÷ðцøø òы ÑÂôõûðûø ÷ðúð÷ ø ò úðúþü óþрþôõ?Ã’þ÷üþöýþ, Ã’Ñ‹ ÿрøþñрõûø тþòðр у ýðшøх ôøûõрþò, ú ÑÂþöðûõýøю, ýð цõýы úþтþрых üы ýõ üþöõü ÿþòûøÑÂть. ÔðýýðѠðúцøѠрðÑÂÿрþÑÂтрðýÑÂõтÑÂѠýð ÿþúуÿðтõûõù ÞÞÞ «ÃʄĄÂúþрú» ó. çõÃȄÂñøýÑÂú.
Bonsoir ^^Je tente ma chance et au passage vous remercie pour ce concours ;)Niveau massage, j’ai testé le amma sur un stand (très relaxant)mais celui qui me tente le plus à la vue de la description est le lomi lomi ! J’aime l’idée que l’esprit joue un rôle important dans le massage et que pour une stressée nerveuse de mon genre il fasse autant de bienfaits à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur ^^’Biz
amam lägg gärna till att Kruth inte var okej med att Bob Sapp inte ville fightas längre och signalerade honom att gå upp även efter hans hörna kastat in handduken
This is my daughter also.Her name is Gea My.I am the proudest dad in the world. Go to my blog or add me on facebook to se pictures of her.She is my best friend.(On facebook Erlend Partysjefen)
What delicious looking kulfi! Mango is absolutely my favourite flavour. This is a great shortcut to the endless boiling of milk that traditional kulfi usually involves. Bookmarked for a Finley treat! Thank you!x x x
Leaders produce results, not excuses!Att skylla på olika pappersproblem medan folk skadas och dödas är väl så lång ifrån syftet med ett försvar som man kan komma?Försvaret om något bör väl vara resultatinriktat?
You know I am an editor of the Wedding magazine, art-director, work for several other magazines, but I would die to work in ELLE! 🙂 Such a shame we don't have Elle magazine in Azerbaijan.P.s. You're so great. love reading your blog!
Let me begin by saying good post. Im unsure if it has been talked about, however when using Chrome I can never get the complete website to load with out refreshing many times. Could just be my computer. Thanks.
Apos o jogo contra a Africa do Sul, eu li isso: “Neymar ENFIA O FUTEBOL BRASILEIRO NO BOLSO – e desaparece ao encarar qualquer marcadorzinho mais forte de seleção número 70 no ranking fajuto da FIFA”
Julia, this is awesome. It’s amazing to me how similar our boys are. I guess it’s like you were saying the other day, developmental delays all look very similar. Writing has been a HUGE struggle in our house too. I’ve enlisted the help of his Speech Therapist on this. She gets him to organize it, then I help him outline it, and then, surprisingly, he RUNS with it. It’s been such a nice change from how it was last year. I’m so glad you guys are getting some (much deserved) calm. And I’m happy for Gage that he’s getting some peace. Good job, Mom!
Thanks for one’s marvelous posting! I quite enjoyed reading it, you happen to be a great author.I will ensure that I bookmark your blog and will often come back later in life. I want to encourage you continue your great work, have a nice afternoon!
I love Moo too, and CAC. I'm going to run up to the Craft Zone this afternoon and use your idea though I'm going to affix Mr.Moo's head to the card with an Action Wobble. I just got in my pack of those, so let's see how they work! TYFS… I just became a follower and I look forward to seeing more of your work!EllenCardMonkey at Comcast Dot
Thanks for a marvelous posting! I certainly enjoyed reading it, you’re a great author.I will make sure to bookmark your blog and will eventually come back in the future. I want to encourage you to ultimately continue your great writing, have a nice afternoon!
From dim lit jazz clubs lining the town streets to its yearly Jazz and Heritage Holiday , New Orleans is a great American music town. One locale offering up a various musical roster is the House of Blues in the French Quarter.
Hi Janne,Had ik nog nooit gehoord, ik zal het eens proberen. Al staat het idee van wasbenzine in mijn pannen me nogal tegen. Maar wie weet is dat niet nodig.
May this progress, including the increases in video-conferencing capabilities, rapidly percolate to the many workplaces where people still must drive to work each day just to (mostly)sit at a computer terminal.
Jeg valgte den sidste, og synes selv den blev ret god.jeg holdte bare mig ikke til en af de krav som var ” novellen skal udspille sig i løbet af et døgn”.min forløb over 2 Ã¥r.FLOT!:D<3
Hi Craver,Thank you for your generosity, and Mark for allowing the conversation. Stepping on your belief in God would be like stepping on myself. I think at the core of this conversation lies a love of humanity, a love of expression, and a humility that is terribly beautiful. This is why I think you are a “piece” of God.With great respect,Lisa
me encanta esta lleno de detalles, los espejos, candelabros, las camas todo me gusta, que entre un bello dia cada dia a tu ventana, esta semana.
some call this socca, right?equal parts water and garbanzo bean flour and make it like a pancake on the stovetop?I never jumped onto that craze, still may be the only blogger without garbz bean flour, but i have peanut flour the shells look awesome. Genius to bake them with the makeshify muffin tin…Great thinking!
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I guess Santiago doesn’t plan on retiring since he would then be consider a lowlife. Did you ever think, Santiago, that those who have retireed just spent about 50 years paying taxes? I plan on retiring as soon as I can.
Hi there this is my workoutMonday Legswednesday back biceps shoulderssaturday triceps and chestIS this to little should i be doing it more often? on these days i do train pretty hard not lightthanksRyan
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Hi,dearest CC:-)*What an amazing choices…I am obssesed with a different drapings,they are beyond divine and makes all creations realy special!!!Much Love to you,***Violetta***
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Real estate market is very slow in hyderabad. around 35,000 flats are for resale by banks dueto non payment of emi by the customers. by march 2009 few more thousand flats will come for resale. prices are down by 30%- 40% . it is the right time to by a flat in hyderabad.
Hi Lisa. I’ve missed this webinar but would like to listen Jason’s recommendations for Adwords. Is there any chance to see recorded version of webinar on your youtube channel or here in blog?
25.06.2012 4:04 am For years I couldn’t bring myself to cut up or alter a book but once I finally did a whole new world opened up. I would love to win a copy of your book. Thanks for the chance to do so (and for the inspiration)!
We’re a group of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your web site offered us with valuable info to work on. You’ve done a formidable job and our entire community will be grateful to you.
I really enjoy looking through on this website, it has superb blog posts. “And all the winds go sighing, For sweet things dying.” by Christina Georgina Rossetti.
I am a huge fan of Organized Noize production, but i have to honest with you, when i heard the album it was a big disappointment. There were only 2 gems on the album and they were (Hey Love, and Congratulations) 9 out of 11 tracks were good…Think of it like this if you could only buy the tracks indiviually, not the whole album and each track cost around 2 to 4 bucks how many songs off that album would you really buy…2 maybe 3 thats it. I gave the album 5 out of 10 rating!
Výroky Mirka shit Topolánka:1. Kdybychom tÄ›m lidem Å™ekli pravdu,tak ty volby nikdy nevyhrejem.2. Na modrou cestu nebudeme brát žádnou verbež.3. StÅ™ednà tÅ™Ãda nepotÅ™ebuje na reformÄ› vydÄ›lat,ta už má vydÄ›láno.4. Až ty volby vyhrajem,zavedeme noc dlouhých nožů.5. Pokud Zelenà tuto vládu kvůli ÄŒunkovi shodÃ,skonÄà i Å¡ance Václava Klause na znovuzvolenà prezidentem.MyslÃm,že tyto výroky jasnÄ› popisujà myÅ¡lenà Mirka Topolánka a dalÅ¡Ãho komentáře netÅ™eba.
Ich hab in der Schule Erste Hilfe gelernt (9. oder 10. Klasse war das, glaub ich), und unser ganzer Kurs hatte echt Spaß daran. Wir sind gern einmal die Woche zwei Stunden länger in der Schule geblieben dafür. Und fast alle von uns sind nach Ende des Kurses zu [Hilfsorganisation] gegangen und haben uns dort dann ehrenamtlich im Sanitätsdienst (und auch im Sandienst unserer Schule) engagiert.
Its true Alka,its not possible to recreate at home the same spicy tangy taste of the chaat sold in Thelas. Magnified close-up shot looks doubly delicious:)
Don’t go in expecting the next version of “The Host” or “Cloverfield” or “Troll Hunter”. This film is more on the line of “Chaw” or “Attack The Block”. But that is not a bad thing. “Sector 7″ delivered exactly what I was expecting: a malevolent, relentless monster, mayhem and fun. 7/10.
to CB: m-manufacturerx in your example is not a URL parameter. Your site is using URL path to encode parameters. This is difficult for Google to interpret and this parameter configuration tool can not help for such case.
Fantastisk! Egentlig ganske int å se hvor lite forandra byen er-tross brann, tid og annet. Men det er jo noe av det som gjør Bergen til en utrolig vakker by ! For min del må du gjerne ta neste ABC-fra Bergen, jeg blir ikke lei! Tvert imot, det er utrolig inspirerende. Og bildene dine har svært høy kvalitet. Å, jeg er skikkelig fan av deg altså-god helg!
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I had a Youtube account with my old Gmail address, but I didn't want my real name attached to it. I have my domain email linked up with Gmail, but for some reason it just won't let me use that address. WTH ?
Those who accuse me of hyperbole would do well to read Phillip Roth’s novel, ‘The Plot Against America’ (about the emergence of an imagined fascist state in the US under the Nazi-sympathising aviator Charles Lindbergh).I read that a few weeks ago. Excellent book and good analogy.
If you are on Solaris you may find it a lot more simple to use mod_auth_gss than to use mod_auth_krb. All the Kerberos setup is exactly the same as in this fine blog.
February 6, 2010 Mist! Und ich dachte schon, dies sei die Enthüllung des Jahres ;)Ich kenne ja noch nicht mal dich im realen Leben. Und Basel ist mir doch gerade ein bisschen zuuuu weit um dem kopierten Schreibstil auf den Grund zu gehen 😀
Que le habran visto de bueno a una pelicula donde todo su trama es de un asesino que mata a monton de gente inocente impunemente, y se va tranquilo y nadie le atrapa y acaba la pelicula ahi…. que asco me arrepenti de perder mi tiempo viendo , tan absurda historia. Que porqueria, ya no confio en la premiacion de oscares tampoco… que perdida de tiempo verla.
Noboat1 wrote, “We all saw a US President throw a good friend and ally under the bus….” Yes, but what other friends and allies has OZero thrown under the bus? Britain? Colombia? Japan? Taiwan? Folks, this man is not merely an anti-Semite, or a communist, or a “progressive.” He’s a nihilist. And while some readers here assumed Daniel was penning a satire, I sense that it is one of his bitterest compositions. The bitterness decently masks a contempt for OZero that he would not permit to surface. I marvel at his restraint.
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