Little leaves on tiny stems sparkle like jewels as the brilliant morning light makes streaks in the sky, kissing the trees and illuminating their rough bark with a reddish orange glow. Lavenders, purples, and light blues fill the long shadows as they stretch like rubber bands pulled as far as they can go, all pointing out from the sun, inspiring what could be a painting from where I sit on the long wooden Texas porch. Feeders for the birds sway in unison, to and fro, as a light breeze tickles the leaves, and squirrels jump from branch to branch trying to get to the feeders like thieves scrambling to get into a bank vault of treasure.
Here I’ve sat through hundreds of sunrises like a moviegoer, each screen with its own plot and colorful action. My hand rapidly scribbles thoughts or images into my sketchbook, which is my closest companion, always close by when I need a friend.
A Lifetime of Journals
Opening the cabinet, I see them standing side by side like little soldiers, numbered and stored for years. I can return to any of the last dozen years, pick a date, and page through these journals for my notes. Unlikely to be a family heirloom when I’m gone, they contain the content of my days, my thoughts, notes from my meetings, and things I hope to remember, pages by the thousands. When I pick any random day from the past, the pages filled with stressful moments, the days I thought my world was over and things couldn’t possibly get worse, seem unusually emotional and over-reactive — things weren’t so bad after all. These moments were overblown, and they are no longer emotionally charged. Endless hours of worry, frantic meetings to solve world-ending problems, once placed in distant perspective, have lost their power over me.
Explosion Prevented
Just last week I was seething with anger and disproportionately charged over an incident with a couple of foolish errors that could have had a massive negative impact on our ability to pay our bills. All because someone didn’t measure twice and cut once, setting off a chain of events that uncovered other errors. All would never have been revealed had it not been for a caring customer who brought it to my attention with a midnight text, while other customers remained silent and simply moved on to something or someone else.
Hidden Gems
The mistake that made me want to react so negatively turned out to be a gift, because had it not been discovered, its impact would have been far-reaching and potentially very damaging. My first reaction was to throw blame, but after a lot of digging into it, my more measured response was to solve the problem and realize no one did anything wrong with bad intentions. They just needed to learn how to prevent the mistake in the future.
Unexpected Growth
Not only were there lessons for me, there were lessons for those around me. My son, sitting beside me on the couch, right before a deadline, saw me snap into massive action, making calls, sending e-mails and texts to solve the problem before it became a deeper problem, showing that sometimes you can’t wait for morning. Though I’d rather have gone to bed and not stayed up half the night, there are times when you have to do what’s necessary.
Teaching Lessons
It was also a chance to say … I’m angry, and my first reaction is to blame people and get rid of them. But it’s important to take a breath, put things in perspective, and realize we need to focus on solutions, not problems.
No one died. No one got a call from their doctor announcing a threatening disease. There are bad days, but problem-solving is what we get paid to do.
Reaction is a natural force, anger follows, but time puts things into perspective. The more time passes, the better.
Massive action may be needed to rectify a problem fast, but yelling, blaming, firing only makes everything worse.
Growth is the gift of pain.
Past Mistakes
Reading my journals, hundreds of moments would reveal times when I was less mature, when I’d hit the send button in anger and disrupt things and make them worse, like a bowling ball knocking down pins. Times when my ego was bruised and I felt the need to be right, not bothering to seek the other side of the story or to understand what someone might be going through that prompted their action.
I once had an employee go off on everyone in a meeting, screaming and yelling unnecessarily. I excused myself, asked him into his office, and terminated him immediately because that behavior isn’t acceptable and it was his third strike. Little did I know — I found out months later — that there were things he was dealing with that prompted his anger, bad news of a life-threatening diagnosis. Though there’s never a good reason for bad behavior, there are reasons. Had I been more mature, maybe I would have called him into the office, told him his behavior was unacceptable, and said, “Take the rest of the day off, and we’ll chat tomorrow.” Maybe then I’d have bothered to ask what was going on.
Explosive reactions are sometimes understandable, but they’re not helpful. Deep breath, plus time, is almost always a better answer.
Words cut like knives and last for lives. They can’t be taken back.
Past explosive reactions have created bigger problems for myself. So now I try to keep my mouth shut and don’t hit the send button in anger.
Time Heals
Two days after the big problem, things looked different. My instinct to shout would only have made things worse. Plus, it promoted new systems to prevent future problems and provided training moments, and that makes us stronger.
When anger hits, don’t seek revenge, don’t default to harsh words or screaming. Take a deep breath, seek perspective, and when the time is right, seek understanding.
Eric Rhoads
PS: This week was one big meeting, all day every day … I had two days with my board, which is a hard but necessary opportunity to gain the perspective and advice of others. Then two days with a couple of team members for planning and much-needed perspective, and then a day of normal meetings.
This week will be a couple of days of rehearsal and last-minute adjustments, then four days of my online training event Watercolor Live, which has a massive audience of people who want to grow as painters by watching the advice of top master artists, along with people who have decided they want to learn. There is still time for you. And if you can’t make the dates, replays are an option.
ThIs has been bothering me. It had to be several months ago but during the conference we could buy next conference “time limited” at a reduced price. So I/we hurry to buy next conference at special price and still watch conferences. At the time I didn’t think that was the price described but figured if it was wrong you’d figure it out and let us know. There have been a few other blips like this. At no time were I or most certainly others were trying to ruin your business/business model. As an art community you have done so much and we have your back, and as proof, signing up for all your live and conferences events we support you always (plus, all the magazines subscriptions) I just can’t bear having you think that your community would do that to you.
I look forward to coffee with you. There is always something I can take from it and use to better my day. Keep those cups of coffee coming!
Thank You….as always, so well said. Can’t wait till the 26th!
Lois Smith, Kearney NE
Happy Sunday, Eric.
Anger, blaming and shouting always invites chaos. HIgh-powered emotional responses create a climate making it near impossible to arrive at wise solutions. As they say, it is like throwing gasoline on a fire. So happy you chose to take the road of peace in resolving the problem. Its a hard road to get on when in the throes of a major challenge, but it is a road that leads to peace and problem-solving. Thank you for sharing your experiences!
I enjoy your posts. You always remind me that anger does nothing for me or anyone else. Keep it up!
I almost didn’t read this, but so thankful I did! It “hit the nail on the head” for me with a situation that occurred two days ago. Thanks for offering up some acceptable responses to nasty situations… to utilize them!
You are a wise man my friend, it takes a lot of self control not to have a knee- jerk reaction. Glad to hear everything worked to the good in the end.❤️
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and vulnerability, we can all learn from that even in the smallest situations.
“Words cut like knives and last for lives,,,,,,and can never be taken back”. How very true. I have said them when I should have waited and also been on the receiving end of words.
Thank you for your honesty, thoughts, and advice. Your story is universal but few have the wisdom or means to reach millions and I’m one who takes your words to heart. “Growth is the gift of pain.”
Once again you hit home for me. And yes, kindness and understanding are important to keep your Team moving forward. 3 strikes was enough. Team members can not be disrespectful of other members no matter how difficult their own situation. People fire themselves. You made the correct choice. Put that memory down, shut that journal and look ahead. You have a wonderful week ahead. Best wishes, Deb
I look forward to your morning Coffee and all it’s special stories and positive thoughts. I had several days of unwanted emails that were a bit unnerving I stewed and worried that these would go on forever. Never opening or clicking on them and deleting them as fast as they come. I pray each time that something will click in this persons head that he can’t scare me or cause me anger. I am living a good life and have gotten through some losses and will live a life of positives. Especially with my new love of painting. It gives me such peace and makes me happy. There seems to be a lot of negatives and things we can worry about these days. I choose not to let them take over my thoughts and go on living and doing all the things that make me smile. I have so may things and friends and family that keep me thinking there is so much to live for🙏❤️👍👩🎨.
thx again for wise words born from experience. thankfully in my life I have also learned restraint, to try and listen more, to understand the situation. I’ve never had a problem with empathy, just with too quick talking over people and now I let the conversation or event unfold, and it produces more satisfying results all around. Sometimes people just need to be heard. And sometimes patience and common sense and truth will show solutions more easily.
Todays Sunday Coffee really spoke to me. For years I’ve had moments of regret for harsh reactions I felt justified for in the past but now wish I had not acted so impulsively! The real lesson is just as you say, taking a deep breath and putting emotions aside and seeking solutions.
Thank you once again, Eric, for sharing your thoughts and wisdom gained thru life’s ever present challenges!
Eric, I’d like you to do an article about AI creating art. Enjoy your comments.
Such an important reminder. I think we artists are sensitive. Or maybe we become sensitive because we train ourselves to be observant of nuances, details, and then perceive more into a situation.
I have tried hard not to react instinctively (doesn’t always work, but I try!).
Instead, I write the person a letter or email, but I don’t SEND.
I sleep on it. Sometimes for a few days.
Then I edit it. Or don’t send at all.
Waiting to calm down and see it from someone else’s perspective is such a good lesson.
Thanks for the reminder.
Very nicely written article, eloquent. Thank you. It was very helpful.
Enjoyed your email. It is so good when we realize how similar are the attitudes to how we speak to ourselves during our creative process is not acceptable to the world. If we can take it easier on ourselves and all around , it makes for such positive outcomes.
As said often, we learn more from our mistakes than just when we get it right. We all need to take it easier on ourselves and that will automatically flow into our relationships with others.
Love your attitude. Teach by example.