Roaring thunder is echoing off the distant mountain and the lake acts like a giant amplifier, making the booms even louder. The old porch is shaking with each blast, and the rain is slamming loudly on the roof above. Rain is driving sideways like arrows trying to penetrate the screens, yet somehow the water isn’t coming in.
My dream was to one day have a porch like this. Sitting here in a storm is one of my favorite things; it’s as if I’m defying nature, nestled and secure in my little wooden shelter.
Did you know there is a difference between goals and dreams?
I’ve found that goals are intentional, and often related to dreams — but dreams tend to be random, often not formalized by the process of goal-setting.
Which do you think is more powerful? A set goal or a random dream?
In Trouble for Daydreaming
In fourth grade at Harrison Hill Elementary I was sent to the principal’s office for daydreaming, not paying attention in class. Most of my school years were considered unproductive because of my horrific grades, which had to do with not paying attention, not wanting to be there, being bored, and being in a better place inside my head than in class.
Drifting into Dreamland
Today, though I’m a better student because I pursue what I want to learn, I still drift off when a speaker stimulates a thought that then circulates inside my head, getting louder and louder as I explore the possibilities. Before long I can miss a couple of hours of content because the idea is being played out in my head. And frankly, that’s the value of going.
No Life Without Dreams
Dreams have been the foundation of my life, which has been a machine gun of ideas sprayed across the world. If I think about something, I’m thinking about it as if it has already occured. I envision my life when that dream takes place, and I see myself doing what it is I’m dreaming. Events like the Plein Air Convention and the Figurative Art Convention were dreams where I saw myself on stage, presenting the most brilliant minds in painting. And when those dreams came true, the first versions were exactly as I pictured them, faculty and all.
Dreaming Isn’t Goal-Setting
I’m big on goal-setting, but I’m bigger on dreaming. Because dreams, I think, reflect what you really want, and sometimes goals are what we think we should want. They’re often rooted in family responsibilities like paying bills or raising enough money for college (we’re facing that now).
Where do your dreams take you?
Others tell me they don’t dream, or they don’t have vivid dreams. Still others don’t daydream. I’m guessing they do, but they’re not embracing it for what it is. It’s not useless folly.
Ending Dreams
Young couples have dreams. One day we’ll have a family, three kids, two dogs, a little house with a white picket fence. And most of them get those dreams. Then they dream of their kids growing up, college, grandchildren, etc. And those dreams typically come true, though they are out of their hands and in the hands of their kids. But sometimes those dreams end there because of the limits we impose on ourselves.
Squashing Dreams
Before quarantine times, I was with someone whose child was telling me about his dreams of doing something big and great, and his mom chimed in and said, “Stop that foolishness. Our kind are not meant to do such things.” I was mortified and wanted to speak up, but did not out of respect to my hosts.
Are you squashing your own dreams or the dreams of others because you feel undeserving?
Brilliant Dreamers
You may think that someone like Elon Musk has something we all don’t have. We may tell ourselves that his brilliance is possible because he is a billionaire, but the reality is that he is a billionaire because of his dreams. Unlike most, he has trained himself to dream big, not place any limits, and explore endless possibilities. We all tend to give ourselves reasons things can’t be done, yet if you eliminate the limits and dream big, you will surprise yourself with what you’re capable of accomplishing.
Dream Till You Believe It
I’m a big believer that goals without actions are just a to-do list that never gets done. It’s action that moves things forward. The value of dreams is that when we envision something in detail and continually repeat those thoughts, we begin to accept that the impossible is possible. The brain tends to help us seek and find ways to do impossible things.
Like most, I have limits. I catch myself continually telling myself all the reasons something can’t happen. But once I catch myself, I try to change my thinking. It’s very deliberate.
What is one big dream you’ve always wanted to accomplish?
Now, what are you telling yourself about that dream? Here is a typical list:
- It’s too big for me
- People like us don’t do things like that
- I don’t have the degree or education
- I don’t have the talent
- I don’t have the money
- I’m not good at the things needed to accomplish it
- I’m too young
- I’m too old
- I don’t have much time left
Dreams are the place you write the next chapter before you accomplish that chapter.
Napoleon wrote, “Small plans do not inflame the hearts of men.”
I have confidence that your dreams can come true. I can’t tell you how; I never really know how, when I first start. But the more you think about it, envision yourself in it, the more the answers will come.
Eric Rhoads
PS: I was dreaming recently during our quarantine. I thought that there is a whole world of artists who have been coming together on my daily videos (noon Eastern @ericrhoads on Facebook and Instagram), and it made me dream of creating the first worldwide artists’ event in history. Something where all the plein air painters (and wannabes) gather virtually in a global plein air event.
At first, my brain told me it was too much work, that it would be impossible. Then I started thinking about the time, the money, the challenges, the tech, and I almost stopped working on it. But then I realized it’s a dream that can change lives and that I could not let anything get in my way.
Plein Air Live will take place on July 15-18, with a new plein air beginners’ day on the 14th. Five days total where the world gathers, paints together, learns together, and celebrates our passion. You’ll be part of a historic moment, and you’ll be connected with people you never before knew. And no travel, no expenses. All in your safe home.
Already the response is phenomenal, and frankly, technology may limit how many can attend. So if you go to and fill out the form, we will ticket people in the order they came in. No obligation, but once we announce details, you’ll be glad you are holding that possible reservation.
This is one of my big dreams. There are others. I fully intend to live my dreams. I hope you will too.
PS 2: Here is a link to all the free video samples we’ve posted the past almost 80 days. Enjoy.
PS 3: The world, at the moment, is filled with hurting people, and they also have dreams. Let’s all remember to listen to the dreams of others and help them live their dreams.
beautiful descriptio
I’m an emerging artist in the UK and at the ripe old age of 61, I’m not giving up on my dreams! At times it feels like I’ve embarked on climbing a mountain!! So when the doubts rush to my mind and I start to get down, I’ll remember artists like Grandma Moses in America or Alfred Wallis in the UK, who both didn’t ‘make it’ until their later years. I also regularly read/re-read books that keep reminding me in so many ways that it is what we think about and focus on that is so important…but being human, our thoughts can soon become negative when we’re swamped with everyday tasks or those around us make comments that aren’t positive. I recently discovered a book that was first published in 1959 – The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz and although some of the suggestions are dated, the fundamental truth of thinking positive and being happy is something that is never out of fashion. Your coffee morning email resonated with me today 🙂 Thank you Eric for bringing much needed positivity to the world. I’m glad I came across you via Instagram and your plein air live event will be a joyous success!!
Thank you, for your words of wisdom for all of us and a hurting world! You instill hope for so many, what a gift God has given you!
Excellent article. It makes one ponder , how to overcome obstacles.
Somewhere I read the phrase “Goals are Dreams ………with a timeline”.
Thank you so much for the Facebook video series. I feel like I have met so many of the artists I admire. When I feel isolated, shut down and can not paint I watch them and they alway inspire me and get me going again.They give me something to strive for. What a treasure trove of knowledge and generous sharing.
I like what you have to say about dreams and manifesting them. I agree with you and appreciate your insight on this topic. Everyone’s dreams are valuable. Our big ideas come into reality only with the support and cooperation of many other people, like those who work for you and the “wannabe” Plein Air painters. It’s easy to overlook the value of people who’ve had less practice manifesting their dreams. I don’t recommend overlooking their value and taking their support for granted.
What a perfect affirmation of my life….that you have written. I was always a most un-inspired student in much of my younger years. It took me till the age of 36 to start college (just as my children were too). I managed to graduate before them, and find what I’ve always referred to as a “real” job (which I loved). Now ….. my dreams in retirement are back to what they were as a youth ….. painting. I’ve started all over again. I’ve been at it for a full year now and am happier than ever! Today is my 71st birthday and regardless of the crazy world around us right now, I find such great joy and a sense of peace in my art! Thank you for my personal Sunday Coffee, every week.
Good Morning
Exciting news. Can’t wait to see what you have planned for us.
Another awesome SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE. I’m a big daydreamer too. Many of my ideas for my paintings start that way. I often dream about a place I’m interested in painting, and what I m going to paint once there. Crazy, but I go with the flow and see what happens.
Thank you for validating Dreams!
I very much enjoy your Sunday morning blogs. It triggers my mind and soul to take excursions they otherwise would not. Thank you.
This is no small subject. It is the HEART of what makes things happen in our lives. Thank you for writing about it.
I dearly hope you can find a way to talk to the people you mentioned who made negative comments about their son’s big dreams and ideas.
AND be able to also uplift him somehow. There are those who squash dreams and the effects can last for years or a lifetime. I know you don’t
want that to happen to that youngster. I was fortunate to have terrific support for my art from both my parents and I feel blessed to this day.
Eric the AMAZING! Thanks for devoting so much time and hard work for your fellow artists!!! What is the time zone on your form for the worldwide plein aire painting sessions?
Thank you! Thank you for sharing the video samples. Thank you for inspiring others to dream by living your dreams by example. Thank you for sharing your thoughts the way you do every Sunday morning. Thank you , most of all, for being so “REAL” and “GENUINE”. Your “PRESENCE” is felt and appreciated in our art world!
Thanks to you and the artists in the videos for your generosity in sharing knowledge and inspiration.
Great column Eric. Listening to that dreaming voice is key to living a happy fulfilled life. We tend to go where we set our sights, so focusing on what we imagine, rather than on our limitations, is incredibly powerful.
All I can say is a huge Thank you! This post resonated with me to my core! It all started with the daydreaming as a child! I look forward to Sunday Coffee and have been enjoying your videos. Thanks so much for sharing
Happy Flag Day, Eric –
Enjoying my coffee with you this morning…and singing, “A Dream is a Wish. your Heart Makes”……
There is nothing like a front porch in a storm…
Bless you for all you do for the artists of the world….it has been so incredibly helpful!
All signed up for July….
Thank you, thank you!
I love to read your Sunday Coffee letters Eric, they remind me of the letters of the late Robert Genn.
Thank you for all you do,I enjoy the video’s and your talks, letters and interviews!👍❤️