Peaceful? Not exactly how I’d describe what I was thinking might be a quiet morning. The roar of passing cars fills the air, road rage with someone laying on the horn for what seemed like a full minute, and some muffled sounds of obscenities screamed out a car window. I thought that even Philadelphia would be immune to noise this early. I was wrong.
In spite of the noise, my daughter Grace is nestled in her cozy bed, asleep and not disturbed by the noise of passing traffic and the soft clicking of my iPad keyboard. Soon it will be time to awaken her, get some breakfast, and make our way over to get tickets to see the Liberty Bell. They say it has a crack. We’ll find out firsthand.
This is a special weekend. I’ll explain.
A Golden Invitation
Several weeks ago I received a call from Jay Pennie, director of Studio Incamminati, one of the great realism art schools in America, founded by Leona and Nelson Shanks. Jay told me they were going to do a special event where I would be the invited guest. They would be doing a Facebook Live event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 24, and I would be painted simultaneously by three amazing painters: Kerry Dunn, JaFang Lu, and Nell O’Leary.
I was told that video would pan between painters and paintings while I was interviewed throughout the day. I agreed — reluctantly, because it would mean yet another trip away from the family. Been too many of those lately. But I had a plan.
Two Good Reasons and One Not-So-Good Reason
Being an opportunist, on the spur of the moment my agreement was based on three things. First, it would be viewed potentially by tens of thousands of people, and, being a ham, I’m always looking for anyone who will listen to my story. Second, I get my portrait painted frequently for Fine Art Connoisseur magazine, and I’m behind schedule because I’ve not had time to sit still for a couple of years, so I could kill three birds with one stone. Third, and most importantly, it was an opportunity for a daddy-daughter weekend with Grace, age 16, one of the triplets.
One Trip That Didn’t Work Out
Grace and I actually had another weekend planned. Since she has been showing interest in art and had done a wonderful self-portrait in art class in high school, I was going to take her to the 100th anniversary of the Salmagundi Club building in New York a few months ago. But it turned out her high school ended up in the state football finals, and she was required to stay and play her trumpet. So I’d been looking for another opportunity. This was it.
Secretly I arranged for a private art lesson from one of the instructors at the school because I knew she would not want to stare at me being painted all day. “Boring, Dad.”
Being Tourists
Then we would go be tourists, and as much as I wanted to visit art museums, I would resist my interests and do the things she wanted to do, like Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. We would make a weekend of it. That is why we’re here.
It’s hard to gain perspective when you’re a guest who is modeling and talking simultaneously, but you can see the replay at You be the judge. It sure was fun and went by quickly, and I learned a lot watching myself being painted. And Grace loved her full-day drawing lesson.
The Painter of Queens and Presidents
Best of all, of course, is spending time with Grace. When we arrived I did have one art thing arranged, a private tour of one of the world’s great collections of Old Master paintings at a nearby estate. The collection had been created by my old friend Nelson Shanks (1937-2015), who invited me when we spent four half-days together with him painting my portrait. He was one of the great museum-quality portrait painters of all time. He told me loads of stories about friendships developed while painting Princess Diana (twice), Luciano Pavarotti, Bill Clinton, and others. I was honored to be painted by Nelson Shanks, something I chronicled here. It is one of my fondest memories.
Good Things Don’t Come Easy
I don’t know about you, but I cherish my weekends, and it would have been a lot easier to stay home, kick back, and not make the effort for a daddy-daughter weekend. But I have such fond memories of my special times with my dad that I could not resist the opportunity to create a memory.
Traveling with Dad
My dad took me to New York on a business trip with him when I was 13 or 14. I remember most of the details to this day, but when he said, “What do you most want to do?” I said, “Dad, I want to see inside a New York radio station” because I had caught the radio bug. So one Saturday morning we drove to Black Rock, home of CBS, and my dad went in and talked to the guard. He put me on the phone to the DJ on the air at WCBS, a man named Bill Brown, and before long we were inside the studio talking to the DJ.
That moment of inspiration created a career. Dad could have suggested we do something else, but he made it my weekend. I’ll always remember that. To this day he tells the story about how I talked my way into the station after being told no, but I’m guessing he secretly slipped the guard a 20.
A Cherished Memory
My nephew Ryan, now age 31, talks about a New York business trip I took him on when he was 12. It’s a reminder of how important these things are, and my hope is that my daughter will remember our time fondly and carry the tradition on with her family. And with triplets, I’ve got more special memories to make.
Manufacturing Memories
I learned an important lesson from my dad. I’m not sure where he learned it, but life is about creating memories. We may not remember all the moments in between, but the memories stand out. He and Mom devoted their lives to giving us memorable experiences, even though they probably couldn’t afford them. They went out of their way to make an effort to expose us to new things and create memories. We had weekends boating in a tiny boat in rough waters on Lake Erie, flights on Ford Tri-Motor airplanes, campfires around our Airstream trailer, amusement parks, road trips cross-country, flat tires on a single-lane road in an Aspen pass, working trade shows at McCormick Place in Chicago, flying in a DC-3, and hundreds of other memories, too many to mention here.
I’m trying to do the same, and as an adult with a job, responsibilities, and not-unlimited income, I’m realizing just how special these memories are and how inconvenient they were to create. Yet they are the life I fondly remember with my family.
Difficult Childhoods
I know so many people who had rough, rocky, unpleasant childhoods and deadbeat parents, which makes these memories even more special. I feel I was blessed with a great childhood and great parents. I wish everyone could experience that. That isn’t possible, but at least I can try to do it for my kids — and people who did not have role models can become role models.
Accepting Flaws
I know some families who are estranged over what seem like petty little things. I can never truly understand until I’ve walked in their shoes, yet it seems to me that we don’t want those angry things to be the memories of our lives. We need to work extra hard to shed the negatives, accept one another for our own unique flaws, and focus on good memories for our remaining time on earth.
Rocking Chair Moments
Though I don’t want to be morose, I wonder if one day I’ll be sitting in a rocking chair, my family off with their busy lives, and I’ll be left with nothing but my memories. If so, I want to make so many that I have years of entertainment to keep a warm smile on my face.
Looking Back
Sometimes in our lives we may each be faced with difficult and challenging moments, and it will be these good times, these positive memories, that will get us through them. Maybe my baby girl will look back if she’s having a difficult moment and cherish time with her dad. Not just one trip, not just family vacations, not just silly dancing around the house or daddy-daughter dances, but times sitting on the porch just talking, or lying in the grass spotting animals in the clouds.
You don’t have to go on a trip to make memories.
In the book of Luke, the prodigal son left his father’s house and moved far away, yet his heart was warmed when “he came to himself” and remembered the blessings of the father’s house. His memories brought him home, and his dad received him with open arms.
Memories can serve purposes far beyond our intentions, and they should be received with open arms.
I Hate to See It End
Later today, after we’ve seen Philly and experienced the local food, seen the sights, and perhaps bought some T-shirts to bring home, we’ll board a plane bound for Austin, and we’ll have completed a lifetime memory. A memory of a great art visit, a great portrait experience, a great drawing lesson, and great times together. Tomorrow we’re back to the routine.
Memories are not all about childhood.
My dad and mom still make a point to create memories for their kids and grandkids, so it never really stops. My goal is to create memories for them.
What memories do you cherish the most?
Pause and think about them.
What memories do you have of your childhood that make you feel great?
I hope there are many.
What memories can you create, starting today?
With family, with friendships, there comes responsibility, maybe not by requirement, but out of the goodness within us.
Let’s each go out of our way to create memories, and let’s cherish the memories we hold dear. We would all be better off spending more time enjoying those memories.
Today might be a good day to gaze and simply remember. These are gifts implanted by others. Cherish them.
Eric Rhoads
PS: Just last week I made memories by driving with the family from Austin to Santa Fe, where we played tourists and saw the area. We laughed a lot. I’m really excited about painting there in just a few weeks for the Plein Air Convention. It’s a very special place. And this was a special vacation, another wonderful memory.
PPS: Last week I sent the link to the Cuba story, BUT the link was broken. I heard from a lot of people, so here is the link. Sorry.
Time wasted – – nice thoughts on best use road (s).
Your comment section needs better editing / censoring of the
flesh trade ads & scammers.
That’s a good use of someone’s time.
Thanks & Happy Trails
Thanks Eric.
Hit he spot.
Your article about being spared and finding a purpose really spoke to me. 20+ years ago I was treated for Hodgkins Disease. After almost a year of chemo and radiation, I felt that same feeling. I am still working on the purpose, but in some way I know it includes art. My husband and I, now empty-nesters, have re-evaluated life and are moving from a suburb in CA to a small town in PA. I look forward to working out my purpose and moving forward.
Your hyperlink isn’t working, states page cannot be found. I’d like to read your about the Twin Towers miss
Odd, that the week before this “9-11” I picked up one of about a dozen books laying next to my bed called “The Purpose Driven Life”, by Rick Warren. Here I thought I was the only one that asks daily “Why am I here?” Now, with your comment Eric, I guess it is an age old question!
I went into the Fine Art field…Why? To help heal our souls, and our hearts, thru sharing the beauty I saw around me, thru the paint I use. And as I write, or paint, or drive, I always listen to MUSIC < another form of healing, thru "sound".
I believe we are all "here" to help one another on this marvelous, tho sometimes strange and possibly sad journey. As Warren mentions, and I've always believed: ALL things are in DIVINE ORDER. And from the horrible, difficult things, there is a seed that can sprout, that reflect LIFE, and LOVE, and JOY…we just need to be patient! And have one another, to keep our spirits lifted, in the journey!
Beautiful, inspiring message. I, too, am an artist, called to paint the book of Revelation. It took me 19 years to paint and 5 years to put into a book. I continue to paint the visions and write the stories that go with them. I think I’d like to do a “Renior” who died with a paint brush in his hand. His last words were, “I think I’ve almost got it.”
Thanks for the wake up call, Eric. Always enjoy your enthusiasm and encouragement. I good one this Sunday.
Yes, evaluating our time and how we spend it is truly the wake up call.
Now, off to the studio I go and knowing I have a purpose is priceless. Believing it is the challenge.
I’m older than you Eric but have been asking myself lately if I’ve fulfilled my mission. First, I ask “Have I done all I could do?” Then, “Could I have done better?” I know I am not through yet; there is more life to organize and more to complete. I’m considering my options.
I enjoy the Sunday morning coffee.
I enjoy the Sunday morning coffee. 1 of the subjects was Covid. I caught it, almost died in the hospital, had an OBE. since then I’ve had 2 Maderna shots and waiting for the booster. Don’t know why people don’t get them.
Awesome column today! (time well spent!)
We too visited the towers before they came down, a trip we will never forget!
“One Month to Live” by Kerry and Chris Shook is a good reminder as well. ( I need to read it again!)
I have recently been diagnosed with ALS that is progressing quickly. I can’t paint anymore but enjoy watching your YouTube videos of so many talented people. My purpose is to remind people to live in today, don’t sweat the small stuff, watch the clouds, listen to the rain & most of all tell those you love how important they are. Thank you for your wonderful blogs.
Eric, I love your 2nd cup of coffee blogs. It is like being in church and having the pastor preach specifically for my ears. Thank you for simplifying what needs to be done. I don’t know how much time I have but intend to explore until I find my own style. I attended Pastel Live in August and am currently following several of the artists. I bought Stefani Wagner’s 5 Step video. I am working on implementing her 5 steps into my practice time. I knew nothing about mark making so Albert Handel and Alain J Picard speak to me about mark making, and Clarence Porter has me looking at shadows in a different way. I love Albert’s dialogue as he works through a painting; same with Alain Picard, and Jill Stefani Wagner. I think I selected Stefani Wagner because of the structure aspect, Albert because he is just plain magical, and Alain Picard because of his loose style. I also love portraits and am working my way to incorporating Will Schneider’s techniques ( I have 2 of his videos) as well as Cuong Nguyen’s methods for realistic skin. Your team did a phenomenal job in putting together so many wonderful artists for Pastel Live 2021. Love y our blogs – until the next 2nd cup.
Thank you for the reminder
this is an excellent Post Eric ! thank you for this . The poke we all need for sure ! But even if we find it and try to live it , I find it is still challenging amongst the millions of others to get the recognition or opportunities that will take us further to our goals in this life…but I guess the journey is what really matters
You live a charmed life, like myself and so many artist, still have a dozen paintings waiting to be painted. Cheers Rae
Thank you Eric for your coffee morning story especially your escape from death. I lost my son of 41 to cancer two and half years ago and one of the things he said was ‘ Mum you have a life’ and he said ‘what are going to do’ . I tried to think quickly and answer honestly although I was falling apart and at that time really did not know, I answered’ I am going to learn to paint’. Well it has taken me two years since his loss but I am sure he would be looking down and be pleased that I have done as I said. I feel painting has saved me, out of the blue and alone I found a passion I didn’t know I had. I also found your web site which has helped me enormously and I am sure in time I will be joining the huge number on some of your life art get togethers. Thank you for your thoughts and for all the kind things you say and share. With best and kind wishes Sue (Devon, UK)
I am moved by this message. I am so impressed with what you have accomplished. I only hope that in my remaining years that I will find purpose and heed to the calling to help the world. I’m not sure which direction to go. It breaks my heart to see animals abused and ignored. I also would like to help art teachers . I know from experience how hard they work. Many could use to assistance in their daily activities. I currently am a caregiver for an Alzheimer victim, who is demanding most of my time. I know that my duties will soon end as the situation worsens, I will try to do the right thing and be of service somewhere.
My first job was as a summer intern in Cantor Fitzgerald, in the mailroom. We had a lot of fun in there, we were such goofballs. The next year, I got my first “real” Wall Street job — as an assistant to the Vice President of Operations in Shizuoka Bank Ltd. — a new Japanese bank on the 92nd Floor of One World Trade, or the North Tower. I remember those days so well, and how happy I was in my job…and in the quiet moments, standing in the long windows looking out over the Harbor, watching helicopters circle reporting traffic and weather, etc. It was so high, most days a cloud cover would come and settle around the floors below like a belt. Sometimes, when it was very windy, you could feel the building shudder slightly — and that used to give me a slight feeling of “whoa”. I left my job 3 months before the first failed attempt on the complex. My friends still working in there said it took nearly 7 hours for them to get evacuated out of the building. I felt really bad for them, and thanked God I wasn’t in there when that happened. Little did I know then the worst was still yet to come. Thankfully, by that time, the offices had moved down to the 5th floor of 2 World Trade, and no one I knew was killed in the 9/11 attacks. I checked the casualty list in the weeks after, and I was greatly relieved. Having grown up in New York City, I cannot say the same for many of my friends and acquaintances — many of whom were touched in one way or another, by that event. And yes, I like most of my “native New Yorker” friends, have not lived in the city for over 2 decades now. I left in 1998 — to find “greener pastures” — the terrorist attack of 9/11 was not a motivation obviously, but the flood of people out into Pennsylvania afterwards, where I lived, was really amazing and mind boggling.
Beautiful….I will share this at our Consolation Group meeting this coming Saturday.
Thanks Eric for today’s reminder. Having just turned 73 , am feeling somewhat useless but if I stop to think I’m still involved with volunteering supporting the dying and keeping busy. I’ve not been using my time for art and lately it’s calling me. Art is important in my life and you reminded me of this. Have a glorious weekend.
Very well said…you have a way saying what is important simply and clearly
I enjoy these moments you share with us. I am 78 and going back through my memories. You are so right, those are the important things in life. I have covid, so many hours in the house to do a lot of thinking. Most of my grandkids and great grandkids live in another state. My thought was to go through pictures and all the times we spent together while they were growing up. It has been hard getting back into painting and I enjoy your encouragement. I bought your note system and enjoyed it, concentration is a little off right now but hope to get back to it. Thanks again and may God Bless you and your family
Your wordings re Memories is so true , so true……I am now 90 and have lived in different countries from childhood and all these
different experiences/Memories are making my days into something interesting. No one of the younger generation ask about
my life, it is sad, because they would learn from it, that all the things like parents, love, hard work, energi, open mind and heart
all that together and staying in touch with old friends will give their lives meaning.
Thanks Eric for writing these. Somehow these stopped coming to me, but… they are back. This was a good one. Thank you.
Eric as always I love to spend quiet time with your words. I also saw you having a visit with Graeme and Sofia. They are amazing artist and really special. I did a show with with them filming my alcohol ink process. Until next Sunday..have a great week..Peggy
The portrait by Lee Shanks is amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Your portrait painting by three artists did not come up.
Many times I have read your Coffee e-mails and thought too long and boring. Sorry about being honest. This is the second that I have really enjoyed reading. Thanks you for it. Today, I am selling raffle and 50/50 tickets at my grand-kids BMX bike race in our home town. My daughter and her husband are sharing responsibilities with others at this new track in Westerville, Ohio. This may not be taking the kids out on trips, that they are doing anyway with National racing around the countryside. I do enjoy cheering them on in these minute races while praying they do not end up in the hospital.
Have a good day and happy painting!
Thank you. I have been receiving your Sunday Coffee emails for a while now – and admit to closing them before reading – oops. I think I might have missed out. I first read your post responding to the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan and appreciated your comments – and this is also lovely and full of wisdom. I love the idea of making good memories, in spite of circumstances. Referring to the Prodigal Son is poignant and I think of Rembrandts work – and Henri Nouwen’s take on it – we all have an important part to play!
I love how your story brought back a lot of beautiful memories of my parents and me. One nice memory I have of us, is sitting together at the dinning room table, drinking our morning coffee and having our morning discussions about the world around us.Your article reminded me just how important special memories can be, no matter how small Thank you!
Thank you, Eric, for sharing your lovely thoughts with us, whether we have families or not. It is like having a Sunday morning cup of coffee with an old friend.
Having lived in this region for the first part of my life I understand everything you are saying completely. I moved to Montana and for the next 40 years was happy and sometimes cold. Had to return to the area after a family issue. I am now stuck here in NJ but I am trying to make the most of it by getting out and painting when I can. I find a lot of inspiration in your wonderful magazine as well as your messages. I was excited as H – E double hockey sticks to see that the current issue is a Pastel special. I am loving it. Reading and getting a lot of ideas and insight in what is there.
I would love to attend a workshop someday, but I am a teacher and you know what we make. I try catch as many of your interviews with artists that I admire as possible.
Sincerely; Scott Molnar
Nice article, Eric!! I am on the last day of my August 5-day respite from full-time caregiving to my wife of 51 years. She is in a late stage of dementia so Hospice provides me with these respites once a month. On this respite, I took a swing through the Greater Austin area to visit a friend and his family that has been my best friend since grade school. Oh my did we share some memories! This was in Marble Falls. Then I went to visit one of my wife’s good friends in Leander and the last two days are with my son in Austin. I have two grandchildren here and need to spend more time with them, but my caregiving duties make it quite near impossible. When they come to visit me, the first place that they want to go is my Studio in Sawyer Yards -Houston, then to go fishing, or to the museums. I love to give them wonderful memories.
Wonderful, Eric. You made me pause and think about all my family memories from the past and there are many years of them. Now, with beautiful Granddaughters, 1 1/2 and 4 we will make many more!
Thanks for this encouragement – just this weekend we were planning a trip with our grown kids
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Thanks Eric for your newsletter. This morning was especially poignant for me as I am helping take my Mom and Dad through very trying times. I have wonderful memories of my life as a child. I raised two children, a daughter and a son, and many times find myself wondering if I gave them all the wonderful memories I should have. I shared this post on my Facebook page because I think it is so important. I also tagged my daughter because I wanted her to know how wonderful I think she is doing raising her daughter (14 years old now). She is always planning things they can do. I also tagged my children’s father (we are divorced) so he might see and read the newsletter and think about how he can have an impact on his four grandchildren’s lives by creating some memories. I remember my grandmother took me on a trip from Georgia to California to visit one of her sons and his family. We rode on a Greyhound bus from Atlanta to Los Angeles which took a week, and then to San Jose to visit for a month, and then back on a bus to Atlanta. This is memory of a trip I will always remember every aspect of. You have brought up this morning something I have been thinking about a lot over the last few years! Thank you.
Dear Eric,
Just read my first “Sunday Coffee”. It is so heartwarming! I enjoyed it immensely!!
Life speeds along at an alarming pace! We must carve out these precious times together. Little ones and big ones are there as pillars to keep building upon.
I have 2 grown sons and hope they will recount their childhood memories with such fondness. We still get together often and continue to make happy times together. Now they each have a lovely young woman in their lives. I am looking forward to having more great memory making opportunities!!
Thank you! Laura
Eric, What a great story, while reading it, my mind went back to my childhood where we lived in Sandusky Al, a submersed of Birmingham. We took several trips to Panama city and to Nashville, Chattanooga and the grand old times that my family spent with my grandparents. I could go on and on but just wanted to say that i enjoy and look forward to reading what you have wrote each week. Thanks again, James
Thank you for the time and thoughtfulness you give this Sunday piece! Look forward to it each week. It is an encouragement.
Eric, I’ve enjoyed your Sunday posts, but hadn’t taken a moment to tell you. They’re thoughtful and insightful. I did not have your childhood but have worked hard to give my children what I missed. My husband has done father/daughter trips with our only girl (age 32 and living in Austin) and they have a blast but she didn’t express it as well at 16 as see can now. She and I both have March birthdays and we take a trip every year to celebrate….something we both look forward to all year, always an adventure. This year we got caught in the freeze that hit Europe (Siberian Beast from the East), abhor cold weather, but have a memory now of being snowed on in Monte Carlo….Thanks for taking time to write your Sunday musings.
Your words make me feel good about myself. Having suffered mental abuse as an evacuee during WW Two, I vowed that my children would have the best upbringing I could give.
Hallo Eric,
I look forward to your Sunday Email so much. If I had a big , fat wish it would be to attend one of the Plein Air Conventions. What an exciting time that must be. Unfortunately, I live faraway in Bavaria in Germany. I am very active as a Moderator on Wetcanvas and enjoy sharing my time and encouraging other artists so my life is rewarding both as an artist and a teacher. Your portrait is superb and it must have been very exciting for you to have three prominent artists ‘looking into your soul’!!!
Hi Eric !
Just thought I would drop you a note to inform you that I am a new reader of your wisdom and insights into the art world and maybe more importantly your philosophy of life . Enjoy your article a lot . I am a self made artist that spent over 20 years just experimenting with water based paint to develop my own style . Have been painting for over 47 years now (Who’s counting) ! I utilize watercolor on Gallery Wrap Watercolor Canvas with Acrylic paint overlays done individually . Kind of gives you the best of both worlds –tonality as well as brilliance and still have it on canvas and protected . I paint in a representative impressionistic style . Anyway, I really enjoy your insights to life and art !
Joseph Murray
Wayuga Art
Jefferson, Iowa
“Where serenity is a way of life “
You have wisdom & I can tell where you get it. I love that God gave me an interest in art and I’m thankful for people like you who do so much to provide experiences to help artists. 😊🎨
Good Morning Eric,
Reading your essay, with coffee of course, remembering the many memories our family has made. The kids are now grown, there is a grandson; they are making memories of their own, and we are making a new batch with him. Summer 3-week visits Up North with Grande and Papa take him to a different world and even though, at eleven, he gets more and more involved with his life, the 3 weeks here are still a highlight of his year. We hope we can keep it that way.
Unfortunately, in my experience, there are no peaceful times in big cities; perhaps a few in outlying areas. Part of the cacophony of modern life. But the importance of memories just increases as our world grows more raucous.
Thank you so much for your wonderful insightful letters. They remind one to remember the good times. The painting trips spent with one’s parent in foreign locals and statewide ones. Trips that will never fade from your memory because of the time spent traveling, looking, learning. Thank you. Karen
Not too far away from Philly is a 3 generation Wyeth museum. It knocked my socks off. If you are ever back that way it is worth a look see. Your comments on Lake Erie brought back memories. I’ve flown on the Tri Motor Ford. My sister- in- law lives on South Bass Island. We visit periodically but they no longer fly the Tri Motor as a commuter…oh well. Enjoy your columns, thank you
Thanks for this encouragement – just this weekend we were planning a trip with our grown kids (including two of our triplets, identical girls), wondering how to afford it, and your word that these are not convenient but so very worth it was just what I needed.
Thank you Eric. I am having my coffee reading your story, and wanted to say thank you for all the special memories I now have from your Summer Camp in ADK. – Lynne