The screen door makes a creaking sound as the spring pulls. Suddenly it slams behind me, making that familiar and somehow comforting sound I remember from my grandparents’ farmhouse when I was 3.
Coffee in hand, I make my way to the dock, carefully plop down in my original 1901 Westport Adirondack chair, left over from the original owners. I’m reminded that it’s in need of some loving care in a couple of spots where the wood is starting to rot after 123 years of spending summers on the dock. If it could talk, the stories of lake life, old wooden boats, and long, non-revealing bathing suits would be wonderful. One such story is of a woman whose giant diamond slipped off into the muck of the lake a hundred years back. The tale has attracted divers for a century, but the diamond is not to be found. Or when the house by the dock caught fire and burned to the ground, leaving only the giant fireplace, which is still there, warming the patio where the house used to be as we make s’mores.
Signaling Fall
Suddenly the tone of everything around me is warm orange and yellow. The weeds have gone orange, the once-vibrant greens across the lake have a warmer cast, and brilliant color is making its way in certain spots. Spots of red and yellow ochre are dotting the landscape against the purple mountains and the silhouettes of hemlocks. These are signals that it will soon be time to leave in this, my final lake week.
Don’t Forget
This past week, we were all reminded of the World Trade Center tragedy 23 years ago. It’s been long enough that a whole generation only knows about it from the history books, much like I grew up hearing about World War II and the attack on Pearl Harbor. September 11 has more meaning to me, having experienced it on a live TV screen. And I almost experienced it in person, and would have, had it not been for a canceled meeting.
She Saved My Life
A woman named Ginny Morris unknowingly saved my life and the lives of my team at my company RadioCentral.
Before Napster, Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, or IHeart, I had this vision that radio and music could be online, but it wasn’t being done. My friend Mark Cuban had been broadcasting sports online, and I envisioned a world where radio would be there too. At lunch one day at the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas during a broadcast convention, he encouraged me to take my idea to Silicon Valley and get it funded. (Mark wasn’t a billionaire yet, or I probably would have invited him to participate.) Soon after, I had raised millions to fund my idea, and in 1999 we moved to San Francisco (investors had said, “Our money, our town”).
Proof of Concept
We were making huge progress, had proven the concept, had invented new technology like clickable audio (“Click the banner to learn more”), and had come up with a unique solution to make the audio much better than it was at the time. We were in a mad rush to go public, and to do so, we needed to raise millions more. So I spent most of my days meeting with companies, private equity and venture firms, selling my dream.
Ready to Invest?
We had some good prospects, including Hubbard Broadcasting and Dow Jones, but they needed to meet in person, so a trip was scheduled to stop in New York, see Dow and some others, and then fly to Minneapolis to see Hubbard. This would be our second trip to New York, and we always stayed at the Marriott in the World Trade Center because many of our prospects were in those buildings.
Being Frugal
My entire executive team was scheduled to be on the trip, including Steve Rivers, Ray Barahami, John Platz, Rich Sadowsky, and Mark Dirsa. We planned to meet for breakfast in the cafe in World Trade Center Tower Two on Tuesday, before a 9 a.m. meeting Mark had with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Then we would go across the street to Dow Jones.
Meeting Postponed
We were due to fly in on Monday and have our meetings on Tuesday, September 11, but on Friday afternoon, Ginny Morris called and gracefully asked to postpone our meeting to the following week. I agreed, though I was frustrated and perturbed because I wanted to get that next round of money raised soon. So I called my team together in the conference room and said, “OK, our meeting in Minneapolis was moved to the following week. So we need to decide, do we still fly to New York this Monday? Or do we try to combine it with the Minneapolis trip the following week?” Pretty much everyone thought we should go ahead to NYC and do a second trip, but I wanted to save money, so we decided to move everything if the New York meetings could be rescheduled.
Of course, the rest is history. We were not in the buildings when the towers went down, though we would have been there at that exact time. I credit Ginny with saving our lives.
A Sad Package
On Monday, one of the people we were meeting with sent some documents to Mark via FedEx. We opened the delivery in the office on Tuesday, after the towers went down, as we were watching from work. It was from the man Mark was meeting with at the SEC. His package arrived after his death. It was a stark reminder that we would have been there.
Too Close
I think we were all in a daze, in shock, at how close we came to the end of our lives at that time. I felt like there was a new purpose, that God had spared me for a reason. My wife was pregnant with our triplets, whom I never would have known. I’ve had the gift of raising them, for the most joy I’ve ever experienced in my life. I’ve had a couple more decades with my wife, and I made a giant career change soon after.
It Was Over
After 9/11 the economy crashed, and getting new money was almost impossible. Our company ran out of fuel and was closed. Thankfully, I had maintained my publishing company simultaneously (I resisted the investors’ insistence that I sell it, and I had Tom Elmo in my office run it since I couldn’t do much while running another company).
What Almost Didn’t Happen
Before coming to San Francisco, I had started painting on nights and weekends, and soon had discovered plein air painting, which led me to create PleinAir® Magazine, and later Fine Art Connoisseur. PleinAir had a huge impact on today’s modern plein air movement, which may never have happened if I had gone down with the towers. In fact, we would not have all of the things we’ve created since then, like conventions, retreats, online events, competitions, and other publications. Millions of lives that have been touched would never have been reached had I been in the building that day.
A New Life
Not only did that moment extend my life, it forced me to rethink my priorities and what I was doing. As a result, I built a new career — not abandoning my past career, but adding to it. At the exact moment my RadioCentral company ended, my children were born. My last day of work was the day our triplets came home from the hospital. Family became my highest priority, and at that moment I made a commitment to work from home so I could be with them every day. I reduced my hectic travel schedule, and I discovered that though I had loved what I was doing, the world had opened up new possibilities for me. By entering the art world, dealing with artists all day every day, I discovered I was happier and more fulfilled, knowing my work was helping them.
Your Terms
You may or may not have had a key moment that made you reconsider your options, but you still can change them at any time. It’s never too late. Things I never had considered suddenly fell in my lap, some by my efforts, but most because I feel as though God had a plan for my life that was not my plan. Honestly, I never could have imagined, considered, or dreamed up the life I’m living now, and if someone had told me, I would not have believed it to be possible. Each night of my life my prayers included (and still include) a prayer for me to listen and follow God’s plan and not my own, and for Him to guide me. There is no way I could have come up with this life and its impact on my own.
Perhaps you’ve never pursued your dreams, and you’re thinking it’s no longer possible. Why not? What’s stopping you?
Perhaps you’ve not yet discovered who you are or what the plan is for your life. It’s important to listen for instructions and follow what you hear.
You’re never too young or too old. As long as your mind is working, in spite of a frail or broken body or lack of energy, when you focus on a goal, a purpose that’s bigger than you, you still can change the world.
I’m not one to believe that once we live a full life of work, it’s time to retire. Sitting still and doing nothing may be fun for a while, but your breath lives within you so that you can serve your God-given purpose. Maybe you already did that. But what’s next?
Think deeply. Pray about it. And listen.
I’ve been blessed with several careers, and I’m looking forward to what I’m to do next. What about you?
Eric Rhoads
PS: This morning when I awoke, it was chilly, not cold. But I built a fire in the kitchen wood stove while feeding the dogs. The crackling of wood, the smell of it burning, and the warmth were good for my soul. Images of my time here in the Adirondacks are cemented at moments like this.
Next week about this time, following this week’s Pastel Live online event (still giant, with people attending from all over the world), we’ll pack up our stuff and the dogs and make our way to the backroads and highways, making a couple of business-related stops along the way, heading back to the heat of Texas.
As soon as I return, my peaceful travel-free summer will end abruptly with a trip to Monterey for my Fall Color Week retreat in Monterey and Carmel, CA. I’m eager to fly into my old San Francisco home to stop and reconnect with some friends along the way. Then it’s a week of hosting some of my favorite people in the world, painting several times daily. (I’d love to invite you, but it’s sold out. My spring retreat in the Adirondacks still has a few seats left.)
Following Fall Color Week, I drive to Lake Tahoe, where my advance team and I will meet with the hotel for planning, including our painting locations, for what will be the biggest Plein Air Convention in history. Then I fly to Los Angeles for a couple of meetings, then drive to Laguna to judge the LPAPA event, and I’ll also squeeze in a couple of video shoots and artist interviews.
After LPAPA, I fly to Dallas to speak at the Fabriano Watercolor event, which I’m excited about. Then back home, after a few weeks away. While I’m traveling, I’ve asked some guest hosts to step in for my daily Art School Live program.
My next event, Realism Live, will be online in November, with some of the top realists in the world teaching. Then it’s time for the holidays, and then Watercolor Live in January and our newest online event, Acrylic Live, in March.
Oh, and something new will be announced next week that will take place in February. And in early 2025 we will be announcing at least two new major initiatives to help artists. Something completely new and different.
That, my friend, is why I’m so excited.
Stay well, stay active, and step out of your comfort zone to try something new and fresh.
Hello Eric
Thank you for your Sunday Coffees. It is always an encouragement and especially today as I wonder what next. We are retiring after a 7 year delay, and I went to the Plein air conference in Santa Fe and realized it was putting to end my dream of painting on a more professional level. Now I am wondering what next. You’ve given me good food for thought. Thank you. Painting is not the end all but finding Gods will in this life. Ah to hold it loosely and not try to control things beyond my control.
All I can say is WOW
Your sentiments were very touching and I couldn’t agree more! I’m pretty good about letting people know I care about them and never miss telling my wife of 43 years “ I love you “ and the same for my children and grandchildren and close like family friends! A great part of being an artist is giving! I love being an artist for many reasons but giving and caring are at the top ! Thanks Eric!
I understand life on the water in a cabin as an artist because we lived on Lake Rescue in VT for decades in the warmer months when we could get there. The packing up and leaving for the year is not emotionally easy and there is much we receive there that we want to keep with us always. Some of dearest memories are of sketching near the water or on the water with the sounds of summer all around us. The loons calling when Fall starts its seasonal splendors there. I really identify with all you said about investing ourselves in others in a rich way and leaving no regrets that we didn’t let them know how we feel about them and how much they matter to us. Being intentional is my heart’s goal with others. I want my relationships to be of a quality nature, rich in connections and conversations, listening to them and expressing my thoughts and feelings for them. Having a heart of gratefulness in life is not just pleasing to the Lord. It is an investment in others with love.
My mom just passed in May, and the 4 of us kids decided that we were sad that we only seem to get together at funerals (for the past several years, at least.) We decided we will go somewhere twice a year just to re-connect. It’s very true that you never know when someone’s time is up or it might be the last time you see/speak with them. Mom sounded FINE on the phone on Wed evening, but she was gone the next morning. Share the love now rather than later.
Earlier in my life, I lost all of my family of origin. At my mother’s funeral, the register showed all of the deceased – all of my aunts and uncles, my dad, my grandparents, my brother and sister, and herself as deceased. I was the only one listed as “alive” on the long list, her one child – the only one left. It was a shocking moment, to see it in print, even though I knew the reality of it. I was now the Matriarch of the family “under me”. But I am blessed with 4 children, their spouses, and grandchildren, and a wonderful husband. Still, with that many losses by the time I was 59, it changed me, formed me. Since then, I have done my best to let my loved ones know, every single time that I am with them or talk to them, that I love them and they are precious. Maybe I don’t have as many accomplishments, in life, because of it. Because. Maybe now, I take TOO much time with and for others? God only knows. I believe that He will help me to be as successful as He sees fit and if He sees fit, paired along with my care for others. And I will try my best to be a successful artist. But I strive to do it all because I simply must. Thank you, Eric. I am so grateful for you and our friendship!! You are a truly wonderful human being. And we all benefit so much from your baring your soul to us, every week!! Your genuineness and giving reverberates through many lives, including mine!! Hugs and prayers, My Friend!!
I look forward to these wonderful moments you share with us. You are so generous and bring us so much information. I am always moved by your life stories and fresh outlook on life and art. Thank you so much! Thank you for bringing so many fabulous artists into my world as well. Happy Sunday from Nadine in Charleston.
Many thanks to you, Eric! Have a beautiful rest of the year😊🍁🌻
You’ve done it again. Health issues have touched my life lately and I will be in heart surgery the beginning of next month. It puts things into perspective where normally you go from day to day bumping into people and wishing you had spent more time talking with them and letting them know how you feel about them and then finding out that they have passed away. At my age it happens more often than not.
Several years ago a friend of mine had killed himself and I have always regretted not getting closer to him, never thinking that he might hurt himself. After he had died I thought that I should tell people how I felt about them and how special they are to me. I have done that occasionally over the years. Recently an old grade school friend of mine died of a heart attack just a couple of weeks before our 50th high school reunion. He was really looking forward to it and I was looking forward to seen him and talking with him. I missed the boat with him and again, full of regrets. I guess from time to time we have to be reminded that life is truly short, to make the best of it and to let those whom we love know how special they really are to us. Thank you, Eric for sharing your thoughts and your life with us. I don’t know you personally but I know we would be fast friends if you weren’t a life time and 3000 miles away! Keep on loving and keep on painting! Your far away friend, Joe
We will be praying for you, Joseph!! I’m sure that the ones you loved and lost knew in their hearts and souls that you loved them. May God comfort and reassure you.
You can be SURE that this letter is touching many hearts right now. thank you for sharing your memories and the lessons it has brought you.
Beautiful, and very thought provoking.
My wife’s father (Bill) passed away at the beginning of this month, September 2024. He had been in bad health for a while and luckily my wife and I were able to visit several times over the past year. Each time we left, we thought it would be the last time we would see him. Each visit we made sure to speak to him and tell him we loved him even thought he was bedridden towards the end and the dementia had affected his reality. Bill was a minister of music for over 50 years. The man (Jeff), who performed the funeral service, was once in my father in law’s youth choir before becoming a minister of music in his own right. Jeff said something that I never had thought of but I will never forget. (Actually he said several memorable things but I’ll share just a couple.) Bill always referred to himself as a minister of music, not a music minister. He had told Jeff that the emphasis was not on the music but being a minister to people. Always pour into others. Another thing Jeff emphasized was that Bill served 35 years at one church before retiring. Bill then served as an interim minister of music at another church for a few years before retiring again. And another church a few years before retiring again. Finally, Bill served at his last church for 8 years. When he got where he couldn’t stand very long to direct the choir, they got him a stool to sit on. When Bill got to where he couldn’t hold his arms up to lead the choir for very long, he finally decided to retire for good from active ministry. He literally served the Lord and others until he couldn’t hold his arms up. Even then, he served through prayer and speaking encouraging words to others. Bill had a great impact on me and so many others. Like Bill, I hope I can live a life of JOY (Jesus, Others, Yourself).
I missed this rt event that has been on my calendar. Too many doctor appointments. I think it was tapped. May I watch this Pastel program on tape?
I just love the wonderful thoughts of Sunday Coffee.
Thanks Eric.
Very inspiring stuff. I am trying to get out of my comfit zone in many areas of my life. Thank you.
Something new, how exciting. Just out of the hospital and rehab. It is time to have something to look forward to.
I had no idea you were gifted a whole new life by not being at twin towers. I’ve subscribed and followed and bought workshops from your magazines pages. But today I read the whole story and just wow. I’m as old as you and it has always amazed me how hard you work. I’m happy you survived too, else I’d have never met the people in the art world I met by going to those workshops. Interesting how connected we are.
Thank you for being you and sharing your inspiration. Although my family members are not interested in art (yet) I onward your inspirational Sunday morning thought to them. I am reminded to REMEMBER to be in prayer about my future (at 78).
Eric, I am a want to be artist, but my days are currently filled with three grandchildren that my husband and I baby sit, and drive to their various daytime activities. A four year old girl and twins, a boy and girl, just ten months younger than their cousin. It is a joy we had only dreamed of five years ago, but one that keeps delivering in love and tiredness at the end of each day. Soon they will all be in school and I may pick up a paintbrush. Until then, I do enjoy your newsletter and follow your learning opportunities. Keep up the good work, and may God continue to bless you in all you do.
A great letter that I will reread. There are so many people that are grateful you didn’t go to New York and started a new career in art.
Eric, I echo other comments regarding your word art “Sunday Coffee” essays. This one was a good, thought provoking read as it touched many familiar zones. The vignettes created as I read your opening paragraphs blended perfectly with the sounds of the Canadian geese as they noisily landed in my current Virginia location. Then, touching on your “9-11” story which vividly brings our minds back to that day. You are correct we should never forget the loss that still comes from that day. And, how we honor those lives by appreciating each day we are given. With your first mention of your broadcasting life, I was hooked to learn even more of your journey through the field. I share that love although not on the same level as yours. It is evident you have been “guided” to your sweet spot. You obviously listen very well too!
Enjoy the hectic weeks ahead!
Having grown up in upstate New York and northern New Jersey, my husband and I were very aware of how huge the destruction of the Twin Towers was. Symbolic even. We had friends whose neighbors were supposed to be at the towers that day but the entire company had taken a day off. There were many stories like that. While evil men were plotting evil things, God was also speaking — and for once, many more people were listening than normally do. It caused a small revival. (We need another great awakening.)
Thank you for sharing these thoughts. God DOES lead our paths, and often, the thing we think WE’VE always wanted was what God had already ordained for us, for us to glorify Him with it.
Dear Eric, I look forward to having Sunday coffee with you. I lean into your advice and learn from the life lessons you share. You have many creative gifts. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. Oddly, I always feel like we are friends talking around the kitchen table or cozy fireplace.
May peace and blessings flow abundantly today and in the coming week.
Another wonderful letter. Thank you for sharing your memories and aspirations, your faith, and -all you are doing in God’s care.of you.